withRetry method

RunnableRetry<PromptValue, ChatResult> withRetry({
  1. int maxRetries = 3,
  2. FutureOr<bool> retryIf(
    1. Object e
  3. List<Duration?>? delayDurations,
  4. bool addJitter = false,

Adds retry logic to an existing runnable.

This method create a RunnableRetry instance, if the current Runnable throws an exception during invocation, it will be retried based on the configuration provided. By default the runnable will be retried 3 times with exponential delay between each retry.

  • maxRetries - max attempts to retry the runnable.
  • retryIf - evaluator function to check whether to retry based the exception thrown.
  • delayDurations - by default runnable will be retried based on an exponential backoff strategy with base delay as 1 second. But you can override this behavior by providing an optional list of Durations.
  • addJitter - whether to add jitter to the delay.


RunnableRetry<RunInput, RunOutput> withRetry({
  final int maxRetries = 3,
  final FutureOr<bool> Function(Object e)? retryIf,
  final List<Duration?>? delayDurations,
  final bool addJitter = false,
}) {
  return RunnableRetry<RunInput, RunOutput>(
    runnable: this,
    defaultOptions: defaultOptions,
    retryOptions: RetryOptions(
      maxRetries: maxRetries,
      retryIf: retryIf,
      delayDurations: delayDurations,
      addJitter: addJitter,