laksadart library


mil → const Duration


ALG List<int>
params → ECDomainParameters
unitMap Map<Units, String>
getter/setter pair


asyncDecrypt(Map<String, dynamic>? keyStore, String? psw) Future
asyncEncrypt(String? prvKey, String? psw, [Map<String, dynamic>? options]) Future
asyncGeneratePrivateKey() Future
asyncGetAddressFromPrivateKey(String privateKey) Future
asyncGetAddressFromPublicKey(String pubKey) Future
asyncGetPubKeyFromPrivateKey(String privateKey) Future
asyncSchnorrSign(String? privateKey, Map<String, dynamic> txnDetails) Future
bytesToHex(List<int> bytes, {bool include0x = false}) String
Converts the bytes given as a list of integers into a hexadecimal representation.
bytesToInt(List<int> bytes) BigInt
Converts the bytes from that list (big endian) to a BigInt.
decrypt(Map<String, dynamic> keyStore, String passphrase) Future<String>
encodeTransactionProto(Map<String, dynamic> tx) Uint8List
encrypt(String privateKey, String passphrase, [Map<String, dynamic>? options]) Future<String>
fromQaFunc(BigInt? qa, Units unit, {dynamic pad = false}) String
generateNewPrivateKey(Random random) BigInt?
Generates a new private key using the random instance provided. Please make sure you're using a cryptographically secure generator.
generatePrivateKey() String
getAddressFromPrivateKey(String privateKey) String
address calculation with privateKey for Zilliqa
getAddressFromPublicKey(String publicKey) String
address calculation with publicKey for zilliqa
getDerivedKey(String? kdf, Map<String, dynamic> params) → _KeyDerivator
getDerivedKey by kdf type
getDRBG(List<int> msg) DRBG
getParamTypes(List<Map> list) List<String>?
getPubKeyFromPrivateKey(String privateKey) String
publicKey calculation for Zilliqa
getPublic(BigInt private) String
hash(BigInt q, List<int> pubkey, List<int> msg) BigInt
hexToBytes(String hexStr) List<int>
Converts the hexadecimal string, which can be prefixed with 0x, to a byte sequence.
hexToInt(String hex) BigInt
Takes the hexadecimal input and creates a BigInt.
intToBytes(BigInt? number, {int? length}) List<int>
big int to bytes
isAddress(String str) bool
isBech32(String str) bool
isByteString(String byStr, {int? length}) bool
isPrivateKey(String str) bool
isPublicKey(String str) bool
isSignature(String str) bool
isUrl(String? url) bool
isValidChecksumAddress(String str) bool
numberToBytes(dynamic number) List<int>
Converts the given number, either a int or a BigInt to a list of bytes representing the same value.
numberToHexArray(int number, int size) List<String>
pack(int CHAIN_ID, int rawVersion) int
performRPC(String url, Map headers, Map<String, dynamic> request) Future<RPCMiddleWare>
privateKeyToPublic(Uint8List privateKey) String
Generates a public key for the given private key using the ecdsa curve which Ethereum uses.
randomBytes(int byteLength) List<int>
randomHex(int hexLength) String
SchnorrSign(String privateKey, Map<String, dynamic> txnDetails) Map<String, dynamic>
setParamValues(List<Map> rawParams, List<Map>? newValues) List<Map>
sign(List<int> msg, List<int> privKey, List<int> pubKey) SchnorrSignature
sleep({required int ms, Function? callback}) Timer
strip0x(String hex) String
If present, removes the 0x from the start of a hex-string.
toChecksum(String address) String
toHex(dynamic number, {bool pad = false, bool include0x = false, int? forcePadLen}) String
Converts the number, which can either be a dart int or a BigInt, into a hexadecimal representation. The number needs to be positive or zero.
toQaFunc(String input, Units unit) BigInt
toSignature(List<int> serialised) SchnorrSignature
trySign(List<int> msg, BigInt k, BigInt privKey, List<int> pubKey) SchnorrSignature?
unPack(int versioned, int CHAIN_ID) int
verify(List<int> msg, BigInt? sigR, BigInt? sigS, List<int> key) bool


MiddleWareFn = dynamic Function(List list)
SignedTransaction = Map<String, dynamic> Function(String privateKey, Map txnDetails)
Transformer<I, O> = O Function(I payload)