kubeconfig library
Kubeconfig utility
- AuthInfo
- AuthInfo contains information that describes identity information. This is use to tell the kubernetes cluster who you are.
- AuthProviderConfig
- AuthProviderConfig holds the configuration for a specified auth provider.
- Cluster
- Cluster contains information about how to communicate with a kubernetes cluster.
- Context
- Context is a tuple of references to a cluster (how do I communicate with a kubernetes cluster), a user (how do I identify myself), and a namespace (what subset of resources do I want to work with).
- Exec
- ExecConfig specifies a command to provide client credentials. The command is exec'd and outputs structured stdout holding credentials.
- ExecEnv
- ExecEnvVar is used for setting environment variables when executing an exec-based credential plugin.
- Kubeconfig
- Kubeconfig holds the information needed to build connect to remote kubernetes clusters as a given user.
- NamedAuthInfo
- NamedAuthInfo relates nicknames to auth information.
- NamedCluster
- NamedCluster relates nicknames to cluster information.
- NamedContext
- NamedContext relates nicknames to context information.
- Preferences
- Preferences holds general information to be use for cli interactions.
- ValidationResult
- Kubeconfig validation result.
- InteractiveMode
- ExecInteractiveMode is a string that describes an exec plugin's relationship with standard input.
- ValidationCode
- Kubeconfig validation code.
- $AuthInfoCopyWith on AuthInfo
- $AuthProviderConfigCopyWith on AuthProviderConfig
- $ClusterCopyWith on Cluster
- $ContextCopyWith on Context
- $ExecCopyWith on Exec
- $ExecEnvCopyWith on ExecEnv
- $KubeconfigCopyWith on Kubeconfig
- $NamedAuthInfoCopyWith on NamedAuthInfo
- $NamedClusterCopyWith on NamedCluster
- $NamedContextCopyWith on NamedContext
- $PreferencesCopyWith on Preferences
- $ValidationResultCopyWith on ValidationResult
on Map<
String, dynamic> - Json convert extensions
- StringConvertX on String?
- String convert extensions
- StringFormatingX on String
- String format extensions
- StringValidationX on String?
- String validation extensions
Exceptions / Errors
- AuthProviderAndExecErrorForUserException
- Auth provider and exec error for user exception.
- CertificateAuthorityErrorForClusterException
- Certificate authority error for cluster exception.
- CertificateAuthorityFileErrorForClusterException
- Certificate authority file error for cluster exception.
- ClientCertErrorForUserException
- Client cert error for user exception.
- ClientCertFileErrorForUserException
- Client cert file error for user exception.
- ClientKeyErrorForUserException
- Client key error for user exception.
- ClientKeyFileErrorForUserException
- Client key file error for user exception.
- ClientKeyNotFoundForUserException
- Client key not found for user exception.
- ClusterNotFoundForContextException
- Cluster not found for context exception.
- CurrentContextNotFoundException
- ExecApiVersionNotFoundForUserException
- Exec apiVersion not found for user exception.
- ExecCommandNotFoundForUserException
- Exec command not found for user exception.
- ExecEnvNameNotFoundForUserException
- Exec env name not found for user exception.
- ImpersonatingErrorForUserException
- Impersonating error for user exception.
- KubeconfigException
- Kubeconfig exception.
- MoreThanOneAuthFoundForUserException
- More than one auth found for user exception.
- NamedClusterDuplicateException
- Named cluster is duplicate exception.
- NamedContextDuplicateException
- Named context is duplicate exception.
- NamedUserDuplicateException
- NamespaceFormatNotMatchForContextException
- Namespace format not match for context exception.
- NamespaceInvalidMaxLengthForContextException
- Namespace invalid max length for context exception.
- ProxyUrlInvalidForClusterException
- Proxy url invalid for cluster exception.
- ProxyUrlInvalidSchemeForClusterException
- Proxy url invalid scheme for cluster exception.
- RequiredException
- Required exception.
- UserNotFoundForContextException
- User not found for context exception.
- YamlException
- An error thrown by the YAML processor.