replaceSpecialCharsWithKorean static method

String replaceSpecialCharsWithKorean(
  1. String text, {
  2. required List<SpecialCharToSpeech> specialCharToSpeech,

Replaces special characters in the text with their Korean equivalents based on provided options.


  • text : The input text to be processed.
  • specialCharToSpeech : Options for replacing special characters.

Returns the text with special characters replaced by their Korean equivalents.


static String replaceSpecialCharsWithKorean(
  String text, {
  required List<SpecialCharToSpeech> specialCharToSpeech,
}) {
  Map<String, String> specialCharsToKoreanMap = {};

  if (specialCharToSpeech.isNotEmpty) {
      {for (var v in specialCharToSpeech) v.specialChar: v.speech},

  String result = '';
  for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    String char = text[i];
    if (specialCharsToKoreanMap.containsKey(char)) {
      result += specialCharsToKoreanMap[char] ?? '';
    } else {
      result += char;

  // Remove any special characters that were not replaced.
  result = result.removeAllSpecialCharsNotKorean();

  return result;