Autowired top-level constant

AutowiredAnnotation const Autowired


Autowired: Annotation used to setup a field as injectable field. This version only supports field injection

Injectable supported

The above list is all the known classes supported

  • Service

Client supported

Client here, it is all the known classes in which we can inject some injectable

  • Controller
  • Service


To use this annotation, you should first create the Injectable. In my case I will create a class to manage user named UserService.

    class UserService {

      Future<User?> save(User user) async {

        var savedUser = ...;

        /// Some code to save an user

        return savedUser;

Setup where to inject instance of your class.


  • To respect MVC architecture, we should not inject Controller into a service.
  • Injectable class should declare or not a default constructor with no parameters
  • The property marked as @Autowired should be public
    class ParameterService {

      final late UserService userService;

      Future<Parameter?> setUserPreferredLang(User u, Locale locale) async {

        var user = await;

        if(user != null){
           var parameter = Parameter();
           parameter..user = user
                    ..locale = locale;
           return save(parameter);
        return null;

      Future<Parameter?> save(Parameter p) async {

        var savedParameter = ...;

        /// Some code to save a parameter

        return savedParameter;

    class ParameterController {

      late final ParameterService service;



const AutowiredAnnotation Autowired = AutowiredAnnotation();