karee_core library

Karee lib is a Dart library

To take full advantage of Karee, you should know what it offers to you

Karee library a dart lib very useful to

  • Organize your project's files and folders
  • Manage your files and classes names
  • Manage your application's navigation with custom constants
  • Generate all your stateless and stateful screens with names
  • Generate all your controllers
  • Organize your application routes with various structure
  • Generate additional source

With Karee you should not care because.

Karee is fast

Karee works with No class Inheritance on your controller or screen

Karee takes advantage of the power of Annotations


@Author Champlain Marius Bakop @email champlainmarius20@gmail.com @github ChamplainLeCode
@Author Champlain Marius Bakop @Email champlainmarius20@gmail.com @Github ChamplainLeCode
KareeRouter: To navigate between screens you may use KareeRouter that offers you two ways to go forward and to go back
Route: class designed to subscribe events (route) in application.
Classe use to annotate screens


Notes: Karee provides different ways to navigate between screens. RouteMode helps you to set what kind of navigation policy you want.


Controller → const ControllerReflectable
Controller: Instance of ControllerReflectable, used as Annotation on all controller's class in project


doRouting(String control, String method, dynamic params) → dynamic
doRouting: Fonction used to load resource from controller Can be use for application navigation, or to request data.
screen(String name, RouteMode mode, {dynamic parameter, RouteDirection direction = RouteDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, BuildContext? context}) → void
screen Function: Function use by core KareeRouter to launch screen on navigate
subscribeController(dynamic controller) → void
subscribeController: Function: Function use by application to subscribes their controllers in core library
subscribeScreen(Map<Symbol, dynamic> screen) → void
subscribeScreen Function: Function use by application to subscribes their screens in core library