json_annotation library

Provides annotation classes to use with json_serializable.

Also contains helper functions and classes – prefixed with $ used by json_serializable when the use_wrappers or checked options are enabled.


JsonConverter<T, S>
Implement this class to provide custom converters for a specific Type.
Allows configuration of how enum elements are treated as JSON.
An annotation used to specify how a field is serialized.
An annotation used to generate a private field containing the contents of a JSON file.
An annotation used to specify a class to generate code for.
An annotation used to specify how a enum value is serialized.


Values for the automatic field renaming behavior for JsonSerializable.


$checkedConvert<T>(Map map, String key, T castFunc(dynamic), {Object? readValue(Map, String)?}) → T
Helper function used in generated code when JsonSerializableGenerator.checked is true.
$checkedCreate<T>(String className, Map map, T constructor(S <S>(String, S (Object?), {Object? readValue(Map, String)?})), {Map<String, String> fieldKeyMap = const {}}) → T
Helper function used in generated code when JsonSerializableGenerator.checked is true.
$checkedNew<T>(String className, Map map, T constructor(), {Map<String, String>? fieldKeyMap}) → T
Helper function used in generated code when JsonSerializableGenerator.checked is true.
$checkKeys(Map map, {List<String>? allowedKeys, List<String>? requiredKeys, List<String>? disallowNullValues}) → void
Helper function used in generated fromJson code when JsonSerializable.disallowUnrecognizedKeys is true for an annotated type or JsonKey.required is true for any annotated fields.
$enumDecode<K extends Enum, V>(Map<K, V> enumValues, Object? source, {K? unknownValue}) → K
Returns the key associated with value source from enumValues, if one exists.
$enumDecodeNullable<K extends Enum, V>(Map<K, V> enumValues, Object? source, {Enum? unknownValue}) → K?
Returns the key associated with value source from enumValues, if one exists.

Exceptions / Errors

A base class for exceptions thrown when decoding JSON.
Exception thrown if there is a runtime exception in fromJson code generated when JsonSerializableGenerator.checked is true
Exception thrown if there are keys with disallowed null values in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization.
Exception thrown if there are missing required keys in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization.
Exception thrown if there are unrecognized keys in a JSON map that was provided during deserialization.