A library for Dart developers that want to interact with the JMB Aqualight.

This library communicates over UDP with your controller. Make sure that your are connected to the controller's WiFi network.

This library is currently used by the JMB Aqualight apps. Available for iOS and Android.

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.


A simple usage example:

import 'package:jmb_aqualight/jmb_aqualight.dart';

main() async {

  // Connect with your controller.
  var connectionInfo = await connect();

  // Synchronize time.
  await timeSync(connectionInfo);

For any other usages, see the example in example/jmb_aqualight_example.dart.

Developer notes

To publish, run pub publish (--dry-run). Make sure to update the version number.


A library for Dart developers that want to interact with the JMB Aqualight.