toSvg static method

String toSvg(
  1. String message, {
  2. int size = 64,
  3. double padding = 0.08,
  4. double colorLightnessMinValue = 0.4,
  5. double colorLightnessMaxValue = 0.8,
  6. double grayscaleLightnessMinValue = 0.3,
  7. double grayscaleLightnessMaxValue = 0.9,
  8. double colorSaturation = 0.5,
  9. double grayscaleSaturation = 0.0,
  10. String backColor = '',
  11. List<int> hues = const <int>[],

The entry request for which Jdenticon creates a SVG in the form of a SVG-string

This library creates personalized icons or identicons as close as possible as defined by the Jdenticon project ( Jdenticon only returns the raw SVG string. This raw SVG string needs to be passed to a widget to be actually rendered. SvgPicture is a widget provided by flutter_svg that can convert raw SVG strings to real images. See the example.dart in the example folder to see how easy this is done in Flutter. toSvg requires a message to be used as base for the identicon. The size is optional and there is usually no need to change it because SvgPicture handles the sizing and scaling when the icon is actually rendered. The padding is also optional; the default is no padding and it is generally not needed as SvgPicture or the parent widget controlling it, will set the paddings and margins. To make customized icons, override the values of the settings you want to change: colorLightnessMinValue, colorLightnessMaxValue, grayscaleLightnessMinValue, grayscaleLightnessMaxValue, colorSaturation, grayscaleSaturation, backColor, hues Note that a given backColor should be in #rrggbbaa format and is transparent by default. E.g. to make it opaque white, set it to '#FFFFFFFF'. hues should be an array with one (or more) int values


static String toSvg(
  String message, {
  int size = 64,
  double padding = 0.08,
  double colorLightnessMinValue = 0.4,
  double colorLightnessMaxValue = 0.8,
  double grayscaleLightnessMinValue = 0.3,
  double grayscaleLightnessMaxValue = 0.9,
  double colorSaturation = 0.5,
  double grayscaleSaturation = 0.0,
  String backColor = '',
  List<int> hues = const <int>[],
}) {
  final String hash = '${sha1.convert(utf8.encode(message))}';
  final SvgWriter writer = SvgWriter(size.abs());
  final double s = size.abs().toDouble();
  final SvgRenderer renderer = SvgRenderer(writer);
          colorLightnessMinValue: colorLightnessMinValue,
          colorLightnessMaxValue: colorLightnessMaxValue,
          grayscaleLightnessMinValue: grayscaleLightnessMinValue,
          grayscaleLightnessMaxValue: grayscaleLightnessMaxValue,
          colorSaturation: colorSaturation,
          grayscaleSaturation: grayscaleSaturation,
          backColor: backColor,
          hues: hues));
  return writer.convertToString();