ir_datetime_picker library

Export main libraries for development. You just need to import this library and use all the features of this package.


Super class of Jalali and Georgian classes
super class for Jalali and Gregorian Date formatter
Gregorian (Miladi or Milaadi) date class
Gregorian date formatter class
  • IRGregorianDateHelper helpers for working with Gregorian date.
  • IRGregorianDatePicker
  • You can use IRGregorianDatePicker to design your own date pickers.
  • IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveDialog
  • IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveDialog is a ready responsive dialog widget that used with showIRGregorianDatePickerDialog top function.
  • IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveRoute
  • IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveRoute is a ready responsive route widget that used with showIRGregorianDatePickerRoute top function.
  • IRJalaliDateHelper
  • IRJalaliDateHelper helpers for working with Jalali date.
  • IRJalaliDatePicker
  • You can use IRJalaliDatePicker to design your own date pickers.
  • IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveDialog
  • IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveDialog is a ready responsive dialog widget that used with showIRJalaliDatePickerDialog top function.
  • IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveRoute
  • IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveRoute is a ready responsive route widget that used with showIRJalaliDatePickerRoute top function.
  • IRTimeModel
    IRTimeModel used for working with time for example in IRTimePicker when you choose your time you will take an IRTimeModel? object. use IRTimeModel.fromDuration for get IRTimeModel from your Duration object. use IRTimeModel.fromString for get IRTimeModel from String which must have a standard format. (e.g => 20:57:23 or 20:57) use toDuration for convert IRTimeModel to Duration object. use toString for convert IRTimeModel to String object.
  • You can use IRTimePicker to design your own time pickers.
  • IRTimePickerResponsiveDialog
  • IRTimePickerResponsiveDialog is a ready responsive dialog widget that used with showIRTimePickerDialog top function.
  • Jalali
    Jalali (Jalaali, Shamsi or Persian) Date class
    Jalali date formatter class


  • IRDateType usefull for selection type of date in your custom datepicker widgets.
  • Extensions

    DateTimeExtensions on DateTime
    extension methods to easily convert DateTime to Jalali and Gregorian


    showIRGregorianDatePickerDialog({required BuildContext context, Gregorian? initialDate, int? minYear, int? maxYear, required String title, bool visibleTodayButton = true, required String todayButtonText, required String confirmButtonText}) Future<Gregorian?>
  • showIRGregorianDatePickerDialog show a dialog with IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveDialog widget.
  • showIRGregorianDatePickerRoute({required BuildContext context, Gregorian? initialDate, int? minYear, int? maxYear, required String title, bool visibleTodayButton = true, required String todayButtonText, required String confirmButtonText}) Future<Gregorian?>
  • showIRGregorianDatePickerRoute show a dialog with IRGregorianDatePickerResponsiveRoute widget.
  • showIRJalaliDatePickerDialog({required BuildContext context, Jalali? initialDate, int? minYear, int? maxYear, required String title, bool visibleTodayButton = true, required String todayButtonText, required String confirmButtonText}) Future<Jalali?>
  • showIRJalaliDatePickerDialog show a dialog with IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveDialog widget.
  • showIRJalaliDatePickerRoute({required BuildContext context, Jalali? initialDate, int? minYear, int? maxYear, required String title, bool visibleTodayButton = true, required String todayButtonText, required String confirmButtonText}) Future<Jalali?>
  • showIRJalaliDatePickerRoute show a dialog with IRJalaliDatePickerResponsiveRoute widget.
  • showIRTimePickerDialog({required BuildContext context, IRTimeModel? initialTime, String? title, bool visibleSecondsPicker = true, bool visibleNowButton = true, String? nowButtonText, String? confirmButtonText}) Future<IRTimeModel?>
  • showIRTimePickerDialog show a dialog with IRTimePickerResponsiveDialog widget.
  • Typedefs

    IRGregorianDatePickerOnSelected = void Function(Gregorian gregorianDate)
  • IRGregorianDatePickerOnSelected is a callback function that will call when user change cupertino pickers.
  • IRJalaliDatePickerOnSelected = void Function(Jalali jalaliDate)
  • IRJalaliDatePickerOnSelected is a callback function that will call when user change cupertino pickers.
  • IRTimePickerOnSelected = void Function(IRTimeModel time)
  • IRTimePickerOnSelected is a callback function that will call when user change cupertino pickers.
  • Exceptions / Errors

    date exception