setup static method

Future<bool> setup({
  1. required String key,
  2. required String reportingUrl,
  3. SetupOptions? options,

Initializes Instana with a key and reportingUrl and optionally with SetupOptions

Please run this as soon as possible in your app's lifecycle


static Future<bool> setup(
    {required String key,
    required String reportingUrl,
    SetupOptions? options}) async {
  return await _channel.invokeMethod('setup', <String, dynamic>{
    'key': key,
    'reportingUrl': reportingUrl,
    'collectionEnabled': options?.collectionEnabled,
    'captureNativeHttp': options?.captureNativeHttp,
    'slowSendInterval': options?.slowSendInterval,
    'usiRefreshTimeIntervalInHrs': options?.usiRefreshTimeIntervalInHrs,
    'hybridAgentId': 'f',
    'hybridAgentVersion': '3.0.7'