inqvine_core_main library


Accumulates logs in a buffer to reduce frequent disk, writes while optionally switching to a new log file if it reaches a certain size.
An interface for provider expressions that can be passed to ref.refresh
This class handles colorizing of terminal output.
Creates an AsyncValue with a data.
Creates an AsyncValue in the error state.
Creates an AsyncValue in loading state.
A Notifier implementation that is asynchronously initialized.
AsyncNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AsyncNotifierProvider.
AsyncNotifierProviderElementBase<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AsyncNotifierProvider.
AsyncNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of AsyncNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A utility for safely manipulating asynchronous data.
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of AsyncNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
Creates a ChangeNotifier and exposes its current state.
AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
The element of AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeChangeNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<State, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<State, Arg>
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<State, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
A provider that asynchronously creates a value.
The ProviderElementBase of AutoDisposeFutureProvider
AutoDisposeFutureProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of an AutoDisposeFutureProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
AutoDisposeNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends NotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeNotifierProvider
AutoDisposeNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of NotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
The element of AutoDisposeProvider
AutoDisposeProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A Ref for providers that are automatically destroyed when no longer used.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
Creates a StateNotifier and exposes its current state.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a value that can be modified from outside.
The element of StateProvider.
AutoDisposeStateProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StateProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of StreamNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Creates a stream and exposes its latest event.
The element of AutoDisposeStreamProvider.
AutoDisposeStreamProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeStreamProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
ChangeNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
Creates a ChangeNotifier and exposes its current state.
ChangeNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
The element of ChangeNotifierProvider.
ChangeNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?, Arg>
The Family of ChangeNotifierProvider.
ChangeNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends ChangeNotifier?>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Default implementation of LogOutput.
Build a widget tree while listening to providers.
ConsumerState<T extends ConsumerStatefulWidget>
A State that has access to a WidgetRef through ref, allowing it to read providers.
The Element for a ConsumerStatefulWidget
A StatefulWidget that can read providers.
A StatelessWidget that can listen to providers.
Prints all logs with level >= Logger.level while in development mode (eg when asserts are evaluated, Flutter calls this debug mode).
If objects that are registered inside GetIt implements Disposable the onDispose method will be called whenever that Object is unregistered, resetted or its enclosing Scope is popped
Dispatches events to listeners using the Dart Stream API. The EventBus enables decoupled applications. It allows objects to interact without requiring to explicitly define listeners and keeping track of them.
Family<@Deprecated('The generic parameter will be removed in version 3.0.0. ' 'This is to enable riverpod_generator to implement families with generic parameters') State>
A base class for all families
FamilyAsyncNotifier<State, Arg>
A Notifier implementation that is asynchronously initialized.
FamilyNotifier<State, Arg>
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
FamilyStreamNotifier<State, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
A provider that asynchronously creates a value.
The element of a FutureProvider
FutureProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of a FutureProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Very simple and easy to use service locator You register your object creation factory or an instance of an object with registerFactory, registerSingleton or registerLazySingleton And retrieve the desired object using get or call your locator as function as its a callable class Additionally GetIt offers asynchronous creation functions as well as functions to synchronize the async initialization of multiple Singletons
Hook is similar to a StatelessWidget, but is not associated to an Element.
A HookWidget that delegates its build to a callback.
A widget that can both use hooks and listen to providers.
A widget that can both use hooks and listen to providers.
HookState<R, T extends Hook<R>>
The logic and internal state for a HookWidget
A Widget that can use a Hook.
A decorator for a LogPrinter that allows for the composition of different printers to handle different log messages. Provide it's constructor with a base printer, but include named parameters for any levels that have a different printer:
Data structure used to identify a dependency by type and instanceName
Holds all Inqvine Core services through a singleton. These services must be initialized before they can be accessed. This can be done by calling InqvineServices.instance.register() in your main.dart file.
Jiffy is a Flutter (Android, IOS and Web) date time package inspired by momentjs for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates
A object which maintains a provider alive.
An abstract filter of log messages.
Outputs a logfmt message:
Use instances of logger to send log messages to the LogPrinter.
Log output receives a OutputEvent from LogPrinter and sends it to the desired destination.
An abstract handler of log events.
Buffers OutputEvents.
Logs simultaneously to multiple LogOutput outputs.
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
NotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends NotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of NotifierProvider.
NotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of NotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A class that stores a single value.
An object used by ProviderContainer/ProviderScope to override the behavior of a provider/family for part of the application.
A decorator for a LogPrinter that allows for the prepending of every line in the log output with a string for the level of that log. For example:
Default implementation of LogPrinter.
Prints all logs with level >= Logger.level even in production.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
A base class for all providers.
An object that stores the state of the providers and allows overriding the behavior of a specific provider.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
An internal class that handles the state of a provider.
ProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of Provider
A shared interface between ProviderListenable and Family.
An object that listens to the changes of a ProviderContainer.
A common interface shared by ProviderBase and Family
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A widget that stores the state of providers.
Represents the subscription to a ProviderListenable
Ref<@Deprecated('Will be removed in 3.0') State extends Object?>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
An interface for provider expressions that can be passed to ref.refresh
If an object implements the ShadowChangeHandler if will get notified if an Object with the same registration type and name is registered on a higher scope which will shadow it. It also will get notified if the shadowing object is removed from GetIt
Outputs simple log messages:
A StateNotifier that allows modifying its state from outside.
A StatefulWidget that is both a ConsumerWidget and a HookWidget.
A StatefulWidget that can use a Hook.
An observable class that stores a single immutable state.
StateNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
Creates a StateNotifier and exposes its current state.
StateNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
The element of StateNotifierProvider.
StateNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T, Arg>
The Family of StateNotifierProvider.
StateNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a value that can be modified from outside.
The element of StateProvider.
StateProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StateProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Store<State, Action>
A store of mutable state that allows mutations by dispatching actions.
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
StreamNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of StreamNotifierProvider.
StreamNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of StreamNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Creates a stream and exposes its latest event.
The element of StreamProvider.
StreamProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StreamProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Expose a ProviderContainer to the widget tree.
An object that allows widgets to interact with providers.
If your singleton that you register wants to use the manually signalling of its ready state, it can implement this interface class instead of using the signalsReady parameter of the registration functions (you don't really have to implement much ;-) )


Levels to control logging output. Logging can be enabled to include all levels above certain Level.


A base class for providers that never dispose themselves.
A base class for all providers, used to consume a provider.
An Element that uses a HookWidget as its configuration.
A mixin to add overrideWithValue capability to a provider.
A base class for all providers, used to consume a provider.


inqvineOpacityInvisible → const double
inqvineOpacityVisible → const double
useTextEditingController → const _TextEditingControllerHookCreator
Creates a TextEditingController, either via an initial text or an initial TextEditingValue.


debugHotReloadHooksEnabled bool
Whether to behave like in release mode or allow hot-reload for hooks.
getter/setter pair
inqvine InqvineServices
no setter


colorFromHex(String hexString) Color
describeIdentity(Object? object) String
Returns a summary of the runtime type and hash code of object.
getTextStyleRenderWidth(BuildContext context, List<String> family, TextStyle style) double
shortHash(Object? object) String
Object.hashCode's 20 least-significant bits.
throwIf(bool condition, Object error) → void
Two handy functions that help me to express my intention clearer and shorter to check for runtime errors
throwIfNot(bool condition, Object error) → void
use<R>(Hook<R> hook) → R
Registers a Hook and returns its value.
useAnimation<T>(Animation<T> animation) → T
Subscribes to an Animation and returns its value.
useAnimationController({Duration? duration, Duration? reverseDuration, String? debugLabel, double initialValue = 0, double lowerBound = 0, double upperBound = 1, TickerProvider? vsync, AnimationBehavior animationBehavior = AnimationBehavior.normal, List<Object?>? keys}) AnimationController
Creates an AnimationController and automatically disposes it when necessary.
useAppLifecycleState() AppLifecycleState?
Returns the current AppLifecycleState value and rebuilds the widget when it changes.
useAutomaticKeepAlive({bool wantKeepAlive = true}) → void
Mark a widget using this hook as needing to stay alive even when it's in a lazy list that would otherwise remove it.
useCallback<T extends Function>(T callback, [List<Object?> keys = const <Object>[]]) → T
Cache a function across rebuilds based on a list of keys.
useContext() BuildContext
Obtains the BuildContext of the building HookWidget.
useDebounced<T>(T toDebounce, Duration timeout) → T?
Returns a debounced version of the provided value toDebounce, triggering widget updates accordingly after a specified timeout duration.
useEffect(Dispose? effect(), [List<Object?>? keys]) → void
Useful for side-effects and optionally canceling them.
useExpansionTileController({List<Object?>? keys}) ExpansionTileController
Creates a ExpansionTileController that will be disposed automatically.
useFocusNode({String? debugLabel, FocusOnKeyCallback? onKey, FocusOnKeyEventCallback? onKeyEvent, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true, bool descendantsAreFocusable = true}) FocusNode
Creates an automatically disposed FocusNode.
useFocusScopeNode({String? debugLabel, FocusOnKeyCallback? onKey, FocusOnKeyEventCallback? onKeyEvent, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true}) FocusScopeNode
Creates an automatically disposed FocusScopeNode.
useFuture<T>(Future<T>? future, {T? initialData, bool preserveState = true}) AsyncSnapshot<T>
Subscribes to a Future and returns its current state as an AsyncSnapshot.
useIsMounted() IsMounted
Returns an IsMounted object that you can use to check if the State is mounted.
useLifecycleHook(LifecycleMixin handler) → void
useListenable<T extends Listenable?>(T listenable) → T
Subscribes to a Listenable and marks the widget as needing build whenever the listener is called.
useListenableSelector<R>(Listenable? listenable, R selector()) → R
Rebuild only when there is a change in the selector result.
useMaterialStatesController({Set<MaterialState>? values, List<Object?>? keys}) MaterialStatesController
Creates a MaterialStatesController that will be disposed automatically.
useMemoized<T>(T valueBuilder(), [List<Object?> keys = const <Object>[]]) → T
Caches the instance of a complex object.
useOnAppLifecycleStateChange(LifecycleCallback? onStateChanged) → void
Listens to the AppLifecycleState.
useOnPlatformBrightnessChange(BrightnessCallback onBrightnessChange) → void
Listens to the platform Brightness.
useOnStreamChange<T>(Stream<T>? stream, {void onData(T event)?, void onError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)?, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) StreamSubscription<T>?
Subscribes to a Stream and calls the Stream.listen to register the onData, onError, and onDone.
usePageController({int initialPage = 0, bool keepPage = true, double viewportFraction = 1.0, List<Object?>? keys}) PageController
Creates a PageController that will be disposed automatically.
usePlatformBrightness() Brightness
Returns the current platform Brightness value and rebuilds the widget when it changes.
usePrevious<T>(T val) → T?
Returns the previous value passed to usePrevious (from the previous widget build).
useReassemble(VoidCallback callback) → void
Runs the callback on every hot reload, similar to reassemble in the stateful widgets.
useReducer<State, Action>(Reducer<State, Action> reducer, {required State initialState, required Action initialAction}) Store<State, Action>
An alternative to useState for more complex states.
useRef<T>(T initialValue) ObjectRef<T>
Creates an object that contains a single mutable property.
useScrollController({double initialScrollOffset = 0.0, bool keepScrollOffset = true, String? debugLabel, List<Object?>? keys}) ScrollController
Creates ScrollController that will be disposed automatically.
useSearchController({List<Object?>? keys}) SearchController
Creates a SearchController that will be disposed automatically.
useSingleTickerProvider({List<Object?>? keys}) TickerProvider
Creates a single usage TickerProvider.
useState<T>(T initialData) ValueNotifier<T>
Creates a variable and subscribes to it.
useStream<T>(Stream<T>? stream, {T? initialData, bool preserveState = true}) AsyncSnapshot<T>
Subscribes to a Stream and returns its current state as an AsyncSnapshot.
useStreamController<T>({bool sync = false, VoidCallback? onListen, VoidCallback? onCancel, List<Object?>? keys}) StreamController<T>
Creates a StreamController which is automatically disposed when necessary.
useTabController({required int initialLength, TickerProvider? vsync, int initialIndex = 0, List<Object?>? keys}) TabController
Creates a TabController that will be disposed automatically.
useTransformationController({Matrix4? initialValue, List<Object?>? keys}) TransformationController
Creates and disposes a TransformationController.
useValueChanged<T, R>(T value, R? valueChange(T oldValue, R? oldResult)) → R?
Watches a value and triggers a callback whenever the value changed.
useValueListenable<T>(ValueListenable<T> valueListenable) → T
Subscribes to a ValueListenable and returns its value.
useValueNotifier<T>(T initialData, [List<Object?>? keys]) ValueNotifier<T>
Creates a ValueNotifier that is automatically disposed.
useViewModel<T extends BaseViewModel>(WidgetRef ref, T buildModel()) → T
Registers a class extending BaseViewModel inside of the locator. This can be called inside any view extending HookWidget, causing lifecycle events to be pushed to the view model.
waitForAsyncCondition(bool condition(), {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 4)}) Future<void>


AsyncNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifier<T>, T> = AsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
AutoDisposeNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeStreamNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
BrightnessCallback = FutureOr<void> Function(Brightness previous, Brightness current)
A callback triggered when the platform brightness changes.
ConsumerBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref, Widget? child)
A function that can also listen to providers
DateTimeFormatter = String Function(DateTime time)
Dispose = void Function()
A function called when the state of a widget is destroyed.
DisposingFunc<T> = FutureOr Function(T param)
Signature for disposing function because closures like (x){} have a return type of Null we don't use FutureOr<void>
ErrorListener = void Function(Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
A callback that can be passed to StateNotifier.onError.
FactoryFunc<T> = T Function()
Signature of the factory function used by non async factories
FactoryFuncAsync<T> = Future<T> Function()
Signature of the factory function used by async factories
FactoryFuncParam<T, P1, P2> = T Function(P1 param1, P2 param2)
For Factories that expect up to two parameters if you need only one use void for the one you don't use
FactoryFuncParamAsync<T, P1, P2> = Future<T> Function(P1 param1, P2 param2)
For async Factories that expect up to two parameters if you need only one use void for the one you don't use
IsMounted = bool Function()
Used by useIsMounted to allow widgets to determine if the Widget is still in the widget tree or not.
LifecycleCallback = FutureOr<void> Function(AppLifecycleState? previous, AppLifecycleState current)
A callback triggered when the app life cycle changes.
Locator = T Function<T>()
A function that allows obtaining other objects.
LogCallback = void Function(LogEvent event)
NotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
The provider for NotifierProviderFamily.
NotifierProvider<NotifierT extends Notifier<T>, T> = NotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
OutputCallback = void Function(OutputEvent event)
Reducer<State, Action> = State Function(State state, Action action)
Composes an Action and a State to create a new State.
RemoveListener = void Function()
A callback that can be used to remove a listener added with StateNotifier.addListener.
ScopeDisposeFunc = FutureOr Function()
Signature for disposing function on scope level
StreamNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
StreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StreamNotifier<T>, T> = StreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.

Exceptions / Errors

An error thrown when a call to leads to a provider depending on itself.
Thrown when tried to call<T>(), but the T was not found.s
An error thrown when trying to update the state of a StateNotifier, but at least one of the listeners threw.