items property

Creates a bottom navigation bar with a indicator on top of the selected ' widget which is typically used as a Scaffold's Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar argument.

elevation argument must be non-null and non-negative.

The length of items must be at least two and each item's icon and label must not be null.

If selectedLabelStyle, unselectedLabelStyle, selectedIconTheme , unselectedIconTheme values are non-null, they will be used instead of activeColor and inactiveColor.

If activeColor is null BottomNavigationBarThemeData.selectedItemColor is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.selectedItemColor then activeColor default to ThemeData.indicatorColor

If inactiveColor is null, BottomNavigationBarThemeData.unselectedItemColor is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.unselectedItemColor is null, then inactiveColor defaults to ThemeData.unselectedWidgetColor.

If indicatorColor is null BottomNavigationBarThemeData.selectedItemColor is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.selectedItemColor is null then indicatorColor defaults to ThemeData.indicatorColor.

If shadowColor is null, ThemeData.shadowColor is used. shadowColor represents the shadow which is visible on top of the navbar.

If backgroundColor is null BottomNavigationBarThemeData.backgroundColor is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.backgroundColor is null, backgroundColor defaults to ThemeData.bottomAppBarColor.

shadow is boolean value which corresponds whether to show the shadow or not.

currentIndex is the start index of navigation bar.

If custom IconThemeDatas are used, you must provide both selectedIconTheme and unselectedIconTheme, and both IconThemeData.color and IconThemeData.size must be set.

If showSelectedLabels is null, BottomNavigationBarThemeData.showSelectedLabels is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.showSelectedLabels is null, then showSelectedLabels defaults to true.

If showUnselectedLabels is null, BottomNavigationBarThemeData.showUnselectedLabels is used. If BottomNavigationBarThemeData.showSelectedLabels is null, then showUnselectedLabels defaults to true Defines the appearance of the button items that are arrayed within the bottom navigation bar.


/// Defines the appearance of the button items that are arrayed within the
/// bottom navigation bar.
final List<BottomNavigationBarItem> items;