In app review plugin
This plugin provides the dialog window with 2 options available
- Rate application in Google Play/App store
- Leave feedback and send it to specified email
Application Rating
It uses the In-App Review API on Android and the SKStoreReviewController on iOS/MacOS.
- Android: in app review is only available when the application is uploaded to Play Market. You use your developer account for testing and internal app sharing.
- iOS: in app review UI is working without uploading, but submit button will be active only when the application is downloaded through App Store (you can also use TestFlight)
Sending feedback
Plugin allows sending email with one method. sendEmail
Need to call InAppReviewPlugin.send_email and pass required arguments
- message
- name
- service id
- template id
- public token
It uses emailjs service that can trigger email sending via API calls. You need to create free account and connect real email account which will be used as sender
The following code triggers the In-App Review prompt. This should not be used frequently as the underlying API's enforce strict quotas on this feature to provide a great user experience.
import 'package:in_app_review_plugin/in_app_review_plugin.dart';
final _inAppReviewPlugin = InAppReviewPlugin();
- Use this after a user has experienced your app for long enough to provide useful feedback, e.g., after the completion of a game level or after a few days.
- Use this sparingly otherwise no pop up will appear.
- Triggering this via a button in your app as it will only work when the quota enforced by the underlying API has not been exceeded. (Android)
- Interrupting the user if they are mid way through a task.
You must upload your app to the Play Store to test requestReview()
. An easy way to do this is to build an apk/app bundle and upload it via internal app sharing.
Real reviews cannot be created while testing requestReview()
and the submit button is disabled to emphasize this.
More details at
can be tested via the IOS simulator or on a physical device.
Note that requestReview()
has no effect when testing via TestFlight as documented.
Real reviews cannot be created while testing requestReview()
and the submit button is disabled to emphasize this.
Requires Android 5 Lollipop(API 21) or higher and the Google Play Store must be installed.
Requires IOS version 10.3