StringToTexture extension

Provides toSeamlessTexture that considers this String as a URL that leads to an image and returns an ImageToo widget.
This is default behavior.

If isAsset is passed true, the returning ImageToo expects this String to be the path to a direct asset image.

The repeat property on this returned widget is set to Repeat.mirror which has the effect of creating a seamless, edge-to-edge texture from any image that will fill the space of the widget.



toSeamlessColumn({double? width, double? height, double scale = 1.0, Offset offset =, Color? color, BlendMode? blendMode, FilterQuality quality = FilterQuality.low, bool isAntiAlias = false, bool isAsset = false, AssetBundle? bundle, String? package}) ImageToo
A method that considers this String as a URL that leads to an image and returns an ImageToo widget. This is default behavior.
toSeamlessRow({double? width, double? height, double scale = 1.0, Offset offset =, Color? color, BlendMode? blendMode, FilterQuality quality = FilterQuality.low, bool isAntiAlias = false, bool isAsset = false, AssetBundle? bundle, String? package}) ImageToo
A method that considers this String as a URL that leads to an image and returns an ImageToo widget. This is default behavior.
toSeamlessTexture({double? width, double? height, double scale = 1.0, Offset offset =, Color? color, BlendMode? blendMode, FilterQuality quality = FilterQuality.low, bool isAntiAlias = false, bool isAsset = false, AssetBundle? bundle, String? package}) ImageToo
A method that considers this String as a URL that leads to an image and returns an ImageToo widget. This is default behavior.