copyCropCircle function

Image copyCropCircle(
  1. Image src, {
  2. int? radius,
  3. Point? center,

Returns a round cropped copy of src.


Image copyCropCircle(Image src, {int? radius, Point? center}) {
  int min(num x, num y) => (x < y ? x : y).toInt();
  final defaultRadius = min(src.width, src.height) ~/ 2;
  radius ??= defaultRadius;
  center ??= Point(src.width ~/ 2, src.height ~/ 2);
  // Make sure center point is within the range of the src image
  center.x = center.x.clamp(0, src.width - 1).toInt();
  center.y = center.y.clamp(0, src.height - 1).toInt();
  radius = radius < 1 ? defaultRadius : radius;

  final tlx = center.x.toInt() - radius; //topLeft.x
  final tly = center.y.toInt() - radius; //topLeft.y

  final dst = Image(
    radius * 2,
    radius * 2,
    iccp: src.iccProfile,

  for (var yi = 0, sy = tly; yi < radius * 2; ++yi, ++sy) {
    for (var xi = 0, sx = tlx; xi < radius * 2; ++xi, ++sx) {
      if ((xi - radius) * (xi - radius) + (yi - radius) * (yi - radius) <=
          radius * radius) {
        dst.setPixel(xi, yi, src.getPixelSafe(sx, sy));

  return dst;