ILogger class abstract





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDebugEnabled bool
Whether log events at the LogLevel.debug level will be logged
no setter
isErrorEnabled bool
Whether log events at the LogLevel.error level will be logged
no setter
isFatalEnabled bool
Whether log events at the LogLevel.fatal level will be logged
no setter
isInfoEnabled bool
Whether log events at the level will be logged
no setter
isTraceEnabled bool
Whether log events at the LogLevel.trace level will be logged
no setter
isWarnEnabled bool
Whether log events at the LogLevel.warn level will be logged
no setter
name String
Name of this logger
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


debug(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.debug level
error(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.error level
fatal(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.fatal level
info(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the level
isEnabled(LogLevel level) bool
Checks whether this logger is enabled for a given [LogLevel
log(dynamic message, {required LogLevel level, Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the given LogLevel level
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
swallow(Function action) → void
Runs action.
swallowAsync(Function action) Future<void>
Runs async action.
swallowResult<T>(T? action(), [T? fallbackValue]) → T?
Runs the provided function and returns its result.
swallowResultAsync<T>(Future<T?> action(), T? fallbackValue) Future<T?>
Runs the provided async function and returns its result.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trace(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.trace levels
warn(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties}) → void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.warn level


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.