debug(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.debug level
error(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.error level
fatal(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.fatal level
info(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the level
isEnabled(LogLevel level)
→ bool
Checks whether this logger is enabled for a given [LogLevel
log(dynamic message, {required LogLevel level, Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the given LogLevel level
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
swallow(Function action)
→ void
Runs action.
swallowAsync(Function action)
→ Future<void>
Runs async action.
swallowResult<T>(T? action(), [T? fallbackValue])
→ T?
Runs the provided function and returns its result.
swallowResultAsync<T>(Future<T?> action(), T? fallbackValue)
→ Future<T?>
Runs the provided async function and returns its result.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
trace(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.trace levels
warn(dynamic message, {Exception? exception, Map<String, dynamic>? eventProperties})
→ void
Writes a diagnostic message at the LogLevel.warn level