Ikonate class

ikonate icons

  • build svg for icony_ikonate icon libraries
  • constants link to svg icon resources


Ikonate(String assetName, {Key? key, bool matchTextDirection = false, AssetBundle? bundle, String? package, double? width, double? height, BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, bool allowDrawingOutsideViewBox = false, WidgetBuilder? placeholderBuilder, Color? color, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, String? semanticsLabel, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, bool cacheColorFilter = false, SvgTheme? theme})
construct IconData


alignment AlignmentGeometry
allowDrawingOutsideViewBox bool
assetName String
bundle AssetBundle?
cacheColorFilter bool
clipBehavior Clip
color Color?
colorBlendMode BlendMode
excludeFromSemantics bool
fit BoxFit
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double?
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
matchTextDirection bool
package String?
placeholderBuilder WidgetBuilder?
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semanticsLabel String?
theme → SvgTheme?
width double?


build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

svgAsset(String assetName, {Key? key, bool matchTextDirection = false, AssetBundle? bundle, String? package, double? width, double? height, BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, bool allowDrawingOutsideViewBox = false, WidgetBuilder? placeholderBuilder, Color? color, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, String? semanticsLabel, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, bool cacheColorFilter = false, SvgTheme? theme}) Widget
build widget for svg asset


accessibility → const String
map constant accessibility to accessibility.svg file
accessibility_human → const String
map constant accessibility_human to accessibility-human.svg file
activity → const String
map constant activity to activity.svg file
add → const String
map constant add to add.svg file
add_to_list → const String
map constant add_to_list to add-to-list.svg file
alarm → const String
map constant alarm to alarm.svg file
align_center → const String
map constant align_center to align-center.svg file
align_left → const String
map constant align_left to align-left.svg file
align_right → const String
map constant align_right to align-right.svg file
anchor → const String
map constant anchor to anchor.svg file
aperture → const String
map constant aperture to aperture.svg file
apps → const String
map constant apps to apps.svg file
apps_alt → const String
map constant apps_alt to apps-alt.svg file
arrow_down → const String
map constant arrow_down to arrow-down.svg file
arrow_down_circle → const String
map constant arrow_down_circle to arrow-down-circle.svg file
arrow_left → const String
map constant arrow_left to arrow-left.svg file
arrow_left_bottom → const String
map constant arrow_left_bottom to arrow-left-bottom.svg file
arrow_left_circle → const String
map constant arrow_left_circle to arrow-left-circle.svg file
arrow_left_top → const String
map constant arrow_left_top to arrow-left-top.svg file
arrow_right → const String
map constant arrow_right to arrow-right.svg file
arrow_right_bottom → const String
map constant arrow_right_bottom to arrow-right-bottom.svg file
arrow_right_circle → const String
map constant arrow_right_circle to arrow-right-circle.svg file
arrow_right_top → const String
map constant arrow_right_top to arrow-right-top.svg file
arrow_up → const String
map constant arrow_up to arrow-up.svg file
arrow_up_circle → const String
map constant arrow_up_circle to arrow-up-circle.svg file
back → const String
map constant back to back.svg file
back_alt → const String
map constant back_alt to back-alt.svg file
back_left → const String
map constant back_left to back-left.svg file
back_right → const String
map constant back_right to back-right.svg file
bag → const String
map constant bag to bag.svg file
basket → const String
map constant basket to basket.svg file
basketball → const String
map constant basketball to basketball.svg file
battery → const String
map constant battery to battery.svg file
battery_alt → const String
map constant battery_alt to battery-alt.svg file
battery_charging → const String
map constant battery_charging to battery-charging.svg file
battery_full → const String
map constant battery_full to battery-full.svg file
battery_low → const String
map constant battery_low to battery-low.svg file
battery_medium → const String
map constant battery_medium to battery-medium.svg file
bell → const String
map constant bell to bell.svg file
bike → const String
map constant bike to bike.svg file
bin → const String
map constant bin to bin.svg file
bluetooth → const String
map constant bluetooth to bluetooth.svg file
bolt → const String
map constant bolt to bolt.svg file
book → const String
map constant book to book.svg file
book_opened → const String
map constant book_opened to book-opened.svg file
bookmark → const String
map constant bookmark to bookmark.svg file
box → const String
map constant box to box.svg file
box_alt → const String
map constant box_alt to box-alt.svg file
box_alt2 → const String
map constant box_alt2 to box-alt2.svg file
brightness → const String
map constant brightness to brightness.svg file
bug → const String
map constant bug to bug.svg file
calendar → const String
map constant calendar to calendar.svg file
calendar_add → const String
map constant calendar_add to calendar-add.svg file
calendar_decline → const String
map constant calendar_decline to calendar-decline.svg file
calendar_event → const String
map constant calendar_event to calendar-event.svg file
camera → const String
map constant camera to camera.svg file
camera_rear → const String
map constant camera_rear to camera-rear.svg file
cancel → const String
map constant cancel to cancel.svg file
car → const String
map constant car to car.svg file
car_alt → const String
map constant car_alt to car-alt.svg file
cards → const String
map constant cards to cards.svg file
cart → const String
map constant cart to cart.svg file
cart_add → const String
map constant cart_add to cart-add.svg file
celluar → const String
map constant celluar to celluar.svg file
chart → const String
map constant chart to chart.svg file
chat → const String
map constant chat to chat.svg file
chat_add → const String
map constant chat_add to chat-add.svg file
chat_alt → const String
map constant chat_alt to chat-alt.svg file
chat_remove → const String
map constant chat_remove to chat-remove.svg file
chat_warning → const String
map constant chat_warning to chat-warning.svg file
checkbox → const String
map constant checkbox to checkbox.svg file
checkbox_intermediate → const String
map constant checkbox_intermediate to checkbox-intermediate.svg file
chevron_down → const String
map constant chevron_down to chevron-down.svg file
chevron_left → const String
map constant chevron_left to chevron-left.svg file
chevron_right → const String
map constant chevron_right to chevron-right.svg file
chevron_up → const String
map constant chevron_up to chevron-up.svg file
chevrons_down → const String
map constant chevrons_down to chevrons-down.svg file
chevrons_left → const String
map constant chevrons_left to chevrons-left.svg file
chevrons_right → const String
map constant chevrons_right to chevrons-right.svg file
chevrons_up → const String
map constant chevrons_up to chevrons-up.svg file
circle → const String
map constant circle to circle.svg file
clip → const String
map constant clip to clip.svg file
clipboard → const String
map constant clipboard to clipboard.svg file
close → const String
map constant close to close.svg file
cloud → const String
map constant cloud to cloud.svg file
cloud_crossed → const String
map constant cloud_crossed to cloud-crossed.svg file
cloud_upload → const String
map constant cloud_upload to cloud-upload.svg file
code → const String
map constant code to code.svg file
code_alt → const String
map constant code_alt to code-alt.svg file
coffee → const String
map constant coffee to coffee.svg file
colours → const String
map constant colours to colours.svg file
component → const String
map constant component to component.svg file
contact_book → const String
map constant contact_book to contact-book.svg file
contrast → const String
map constant contrast to contrast.svg file
control_centre → const String
map constant control_centre to control-centre.svg file
controls → const String
map constant controls to controls.svg file
controls_alt → const String
map constant controls_alt to controls-alt.svg file
controls_vertical_alt → const String
map constant controls_vertical_alt to controls-vertical-alt.svg file
copy → const String
map constant copy to copy.svg file
credit_card → const String
map constant credit_card to credit-card.svg file
crop → const String
map constant crop to crop.svg file
crossing → const String
map constant crossing to crossing.svg file
cup → const String
map constant cup to cup.svg file
cursor → const String
map constant cursor to cursor.svg file
cut → const String
map constant cut to cut.svg file
danger → const String
map constant danger to danger.svg file
dashboard → const String
map constant dashboard to dashboard.svg file
delete → const String
map constant delete to delete.svg file
dialpad → const String
map constant dialpad to dialpad.svg file
diamond → const String
map constant diamond to diamond.svg file
direction_left → const String
map constant direction_left to direction-left.svg file
direction_right → const String
map constant direction_right to direction-right.svg file
directions_left → const String
map constant directions_left to directions-left.svg file
directions_right → const String
map constant directions_right to directions-right.svg file
disc → const String
map constant disc to disc.svg file
dolar → const String
map constant dolar to dolar.svg file
download → const String
map constant download to download.svg file
drop → const String
map constant drop to drop.svg file
ear → const String
map constant ear to ear.svg file
edit → const String
map constant edit to edit.svg file
ellypsis → const String
map constant ellypsis to ellypsis.svg file
ellypsis_vertical → const String
map constant ellypsis_vertical to ellypsis-vertical.svg file
entrance → const String
map constant entrance to entrance.svg file
envelope → const String
map constant envelope to envelope.svg file
envelope_alt → const String
map constant envelope_alt to envelope-alt.svg file
error → const String
map constant error to error.svg file
exit → const String
map constant exit to exit.svg file
explore → const String
map constant explore to explore.svg file
extension → const String
map constant extension to extension.svg file
eye → const String
map constant eye to eye.svg file
eye_closed → const String
map constant eye_closed to eye-closed.svg file
eye_crossed → const String
map constant eye_crossed to eye-crossed.svg file
favourite → const String
map constant favourite to favourite.svg file
feather → const String
map constant feather to feather.svg file
feed → const String
map constant feed to feed.svg file
file → const String
map constant file to file.svg file
film → const String
map constant film to film.svg file
filter → const String
map constant filter to filter.svg file
fit_ → const String
map constant fit_ to fit.svg file
flag → const String
map constant flag to flag.svg file
flower → const String
map constant flower to flower.svg file
folder → const String
map constant folder to folder.svg file
folder_add → const String
map constant folder_add to folder-add.svg file
folder_remove → const String
map constant folder_remove to folder-remove.svg file
folder_warning → const String
map constant folder_warning to folder-warning.svg file
forward → const String
map constant forward to forward.svg file
glasses → const String
map constant glasses to glasses.svg file
grid → const String
map constant grid to grid.svg file
grid_alt → const String
map constant grid_alt to grid-alt.svg file
grid_small → const String
map constant grid_small to grid-small.svg file
hamburger → const String
map constant hamburger to hamburger.svg file
happy_face → const String
map constant happy_face to happy-face.svg file
hash → const String
map constant hash to hash.svg file
hdr → const String
map constant hdr to hdr.svg file
headphones → const String
map constant headphones to headphones.svg file
hearing_disability → const String
map constant hearing_disability to hearing-disability.svg file
help → const String
map constant help to help.svg file
history → const String
map constant history to history.svg file
home → const String
map constant home to home.svg file
home_alt → const String
map constant home_alt to home-alt.svg file
home_alt2 → const String
map constant home_alt2 to home-alt2.svg file
horn → const String
map constant horn to horn.svg file
hourglass → const String
map constant hourglass to hourglass.svg file
image → const String
map constant image to image.svg file
inbox → const String
map constant inbox to inbox.svg file
inbox_alt → const String
map constant inbox_alt to inbox-alt.svg file
info → const String
map constant info to info.svg file
iphone → const String
map constant iphone to iphone.svg file
justify → const String
map constant justify to justify.svg file
key_ → const String
map constant key_ to key.svg file
language → const String
map constant language to language.svg file
laptop → const String
map constant laptop to laptop.svg file
layers → const String
map constant layers to layers.svg file
layout_left → const String
map constant layout_left to layout-left.svg file
layout_right → const String
map constant layout_right to layout-right.svg file
lightbulb → const String
map constant lightbulb to lightbulb.svg file
line_chart → const String
map constant line_chart to line-chart.svg file
map constant link to link.svg file
list → const String
map constant list to list.svg file
list_alt → const String
map constant list_alt to list-alt.svg file
list_view → const String
map constant list_view to list-view.svg file
location → const String
map constant location to location.svg file
lock → const String
map constant lock to lock.svg file
lock_alt → const String
map constant lock_alt to lock-alt.svg file
lock_alt_open → const String
map constant lock_alt_open to lock-alt-open.svg file
lock_open → const String
map constant lock_open to lock-open.svg file
map → const String
map constant map to map.svg file
marker → const String
map constant marker to marker.svg file
mask → const String
map constant mask to mask.svg file
maximise → const String
map constant maximise to maximise.svg file
microphone → const String
map constant microphone to microphone.svg file
minimise → const String
map constant minimise to minimise.svg file
minus → const String
map constant minus to minus.svg file
moon → const String
map constant moon to moon.svg file
mouse → const String
map constant mouse to mouse.svg file
music → const String
map constant music to music.svg file
mute → const String
map constant mute to mute.svg file
neutral_face → const String
map constant neutral_face to neutral-face.svg file
new_ → const String
map constant new_ to new.svg file
news → const String
map constant news to news.svg file
next → const String
map constant next to next.svg file
next_alt → const String
map constant next_alt to next-alt.svg file
night_mode → const String
map constant night_mode to night-mode.svg file
no_entry → const String
map constant no_entry to no-entry.svg file
not_allowed → const String
map constant not_allowed to not-allowed.svg file
notebook → const String
map constant notebook to notebook.svg file
octagon → const String
map constant octagon to octagon.svg file
ok → const String
map constant ok to ok.svg file
ok_circle → const String
map constant ok_circle to ok-circle.svg file
origin → const String
map constant origin to origin.svg file
pan → const String
map constant pan to pan.svg file
paperclip → const String
map constant paperclip to paperclip.svg file
pause → const String
map constant pause to pause.svg file
pause_circle → const String
map constant pause_circle to pause-circle.svg file
pen → const String
map constant pen to pen.svg file
people → const String
map constant people to people.svg file
person → const String
map constant person to person.svg file
person_add → const String
map constant person_add to person-add.svg file
phone → const String
map constant phone to phone.svg file
pie_chart → const String
map constant pie_chart to pie-chart.svg file
pizza → const String
map constant pizza to pizza.svg file
placeholder → const String
map constant placeholder to placeholder.svg file
plane → const String
map constant plane to plane.svg file
play → const String
map constant play to play.svg file
plus → const String
map constant plus to plus.svg file
poll → const String
map constant poll to poll.svg file
power → const String
map constant power to power.svg file
presentation → const String
map constant presentation to presentation.svg file
previous → const String
map constant previous to previous.svg file
previous_alt → const String
map constant previous_alt to previous-alt.svg file
print → const String
map constant print to print.svg file
qr → const String
map constant qr to qr.svg file
radio → const String
map constant radio to radio.svg file
radio_button → const String
map constant radio_button to radio-button.svg file
radio_button_selected → const String
map constant radio_button_selected to radio-button-selected.svg file
rain → const String
map constant rain to rain.svg file
rectangle → const String
map constant rectangle to rectangle.svg file
redo → const String
map constant redo to redo.svg file
refresh → const String
map constant refresh to refresh.svg file
remove → const String
map constant remove to remove.svg file
repeat → const String
map constant repeat to repeat.svg file
restaurant → const String
map constant restaurant to restaurant.svg file
return_ → const String
map constant return_ to return.svg file
retweet → const String
map constant retweet to retweet.svg file
rocket → const String
map constant rocket to rocket.svg file
rotate → const String
map constant rotate to rotate.svg file
rss → const String
map constant rss to rss.svg file
sad_face → const String
map constant sad_face to sad-face.svg file
save → const String
map constant save to save.svg file
map constant search to search.svg file
send → const String
map constant send to send.svg file
settings → const String
map constant settings to settings.svg file
share → const String
map constant share to share.svg file
share_android → const String
map constant share_android to share-android.svg file
share_ios → const String
map constant share_ios to share-ios.svg file
shield → const String
map constant shield to shield.svg file
shift → const String
map constant shift to shift.svg file
shuffle → const String
map constant shuffle to shuffle.svg file
sign_language → const String
map constant sign_language to sign-language.svg file
signal → const String
map constant signal to signal.svg file
signal_alt → const String
map constant signal_alt to signal-alt.svg file
skull → const String
map constant skull to skull.svg file
smartphone → const String
map constant smartphone to smartphone.svg file
snow → const String
map constant snow to snow.svg file
sort_down → const String
map constant sort_down to sort-down.svg file
sort_up → const String
map constant sort_up to sort-up.svg file
sorting → const String
map constant sorting to sorting.svg file
sounds → const String
map constant sounds to sounds.svg file
spam → const String
map constant spam to spam.svg file
stack → const String
map constant stack to stack.svg file
star → const String
map constant star to star.svg file
stats → const String
map constant stats to stats.svg file
stats_alt → const String
map constant stats_alt to stats-alt.svg file
sticker → const String
map constant sticker to sticker.svg file
stop → const String
map constant stop to stop.svg file
stopwatch → const String
map constant stopwatch to stopwatch.svg file
suitcase → const String
map constant suitcase to suitcase.svg file
suitcase_alt → const String
map constant suitcase_alt to suitcase-alt.svg file
sun → const String
map constant sun to sun.svg file
sun_cloud → const String
map constant sun_cloud to sun-cloud.svg file
sunset → const String
map constant sunset to sunset.svg file
support → const String
map constant support to support.svg file
support_alt → const String
map constant support_alt to support-alt.svg file
swap_horizontal → const String
map constant swap_horizontal to swap-horizontal.svg file
swap_vertical → const String
map constant swap_vertical to swap-vertical.svg file
switch_off → const String
map constant switch_off to switch-off.svg file
switch_on → const String
map constant switch_on to switch-on.svg file
table_horizontal → const String
map constant table_horizontal to table-horizontal.svg file
table_vertical → const String
map constant table_vertical to table-vertical.svg file
tag → const String
map constant tag to tag.svg file
tag_alt → const String
map constant tag_alt to tag-alt.svg file
text → const String
map constant text to text.svg file
thermometer → const String
map constant thermometer to thermometer.svg file
thumb_down → const String
map constant thumb_down to thumb-down.svg file
thumb_up → const String
map constant thumb_up to thumb-up.svg file
thunder → const String
map constant thunder to thunder.svg file
time → const String
map constant time to time.svg file
timer → const String
map constant timer to timer.svg file
tool → const String
map constant tool to tool.svg file
train → const String
map constant train to train.svg file
transport → const String
map constant transport to transport.svg file
map constant trending_down to trending-down.svg file
map constant trending_up to trending-up.svg file
turn_left → const String
map constant turn_left to turn-left.svg file
turn_right → const String
map constant turn_right to turn-right.svg file
tv → const String
map constant tv to tv.svg file
typography → const String
map constant typography to typography.svg file
umbrella → const String
map constant umbrella to umbrella.svg file
undo → const String
map constant undo to undo.svg file
upload → const String
map constant upload to upload.svg file
user → const String
map constant user to user.svg file
verified → const String
map constant verified to verified.svg file
vertical → const String
map constant vertical to vertical.svg file
video → const String
map constant video to video.svg file
voicemail → const String
map constant voicemail to voicemail.svg file
volume_loud → const String
map constant volume_loud to volume-loud.svg file
volume_off → const String
map constant volume_off to volume-off.svg file
volume_quiet → const String
map constant volume_quiet to volume-quiet.svg file
walking → const String
map constant walking to walking.svg file
wallpaper → const String
map constant wallpaper to wallpaper.svg file
watch → const String
map constant watch to watch.svg file
wheelchair → const String
map constant wheelchair to wheelchair.svg file
wifi → const String
map constant wifi to wifi.svg file
window → const String
map constant window to window.svg file
wine → const String
map constant wine to wine.svg file
zoom_in → const String
map constant zoom_in to zoom-in.svg file
zoom_out → const String
map constant zoom_out to zoom-out.svg file