generate method

void generate([
  1. String? filePath,
  2. String? targetPath


void generate([String? filePath, String? targetPath]) {
  if (filePath == null || filePath.trim().isEmpty) {
    filePath = 'i10n.csv';

  if (targetPath == null || targetPath.trim().isEmpty) {
    targetPath = 'i10n_words.dart';

  final File file = File(filePath);

  if (!file.existsSync()) {
    logError('File $filePath does not exist');

  final List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();

  // Remove any blank lines.
  lines.removeWhere((line) => line.isEmpty);

  if (lines.isEmpty) {
    logError('File is empty:\n $filePath');

  // Get the language codes.
  final List<String> languages = _getLineOfWords(lines.first);

  final Iterable<String> invalid = languages.where((code) {
    return code.trim().length != 2;

  if (invalid.isNotEmpty) {
    logError('Not valid language code(s):\n $invalid');

  // Assume the first code is the 'default' language. The rest are the translations.
  final List<String> supportedLanguages =
      languages.sublist(1, languages.length);

  final List<Map<String, String>> maps = [];

  // Add a Map object the List with every Language.
  // ignore: unused_local_variable
  for (final lang in supportedLanguages) {

  List<String> lineOfWords;
  String key;
  List<String> words;
  String translations;
  bool noWord;

  for (var linesIndex = 1; linesIndex < lines.length; linesIndex++) {
    lineOfWords = _getLineOfWords(lines[linesIndex]);

    // Assume the first word is the key.
    key = lineOfWords.first;

    if (RESERVED_WORDS.contains(key)) {
          '$key is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as key (line ${linesIndex + 1})');

    // Assume the rest of the words are the translations.
    words = lineOfWords.sublist(1, lineOfWords.length);

    if (words.length != supportedLanguages.length) {
          'The line number ${linesIndex + 1} seems malformatted (${words.length} words for ${supportedLanguages.length} columns)');

    for (var wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < words.length; wordIndex++) {
      noWord = words[wordIndex].isEmpty;
      maps[wordIndex][key] = noWord ? key : words[wordIndex];
      if (noWord) {
            'The line number ${linesIndex + 1} had no word and so key was used: $key');

  translations = _makeTranslations(maps, supportedLanguages);

  _writeInFile(translations, targetPath);