getRealTimeRankingTopScores static method

Future<RankingScores> getRealTimeRankingTopScores(
  1. String rankingId,
  2. int timeDimension,
  3. int maxResults,
  4. bool isRealTime,

Obtains scores on the first page of a leaderboard.

The data can be obtained from the local cache.


static Future<RankingScores> getRealTimeRankingTopScores(
  String rankingId,
  int timeDimension,
  int maxResults,
  bool isRealTime,
) async {
  final dynamic response = await _channel.invokeMethod(
    <String, dynamic>{
      'rankingId': rankingId,
      'timeDimension': timeDimension,
      'maxResults': maxResults,
      'isRealTime': isRealTime,
  return RankingScores.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic>.from(response));