bind static method

Future<HttpServer> bind(
  1. dynamic address,
  2. int port, {
  3. int backlog = 0,
  4. bool v6Only = false,
  5. bool shared = false,

Bind an HttpServer with handling for special addresses 'localhost' and 'any'.

For address 'localhost' behaves like loopback.

For 'any' listens on InternetAddress.anyIPv6 if the system supports IPv6 otherwise InternetAddress.anyIPv4. Note InternetAddress.anyIPv6 listens on all hostnames for both IPv4 and IPv6.

For any other address forwards directly to HttpServer.bind where the IPvX support may vary.

See HttpServer.bind.


static Future<HttpServer> bind(dynamic address, int port,
    {int backlog = 0, bool v6Only = false, bool shared = false}) async {
  if (address == 'localhost') {
    return HttpMultiServer.loopback(port,
        backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared);
  if (address == 'any') {
    return HttpServer.bind(
        await supportsIPv6
            ? InternetAddress.anyIPv6
            : InternetAddress.anyIPv4,
        backlog: backlog,
        v6Only: v6Only,
        shared: shared);
  return HttpServer.bind(address, port,
      backlog: backlog, v6Only: v6Only, shared: shared);