http_helper library

The http_helper is a powerful yet easy-to-use HTTP networking library for Dart, designed to encapsulate the complexities of making HTTP requests in client applications. This library provides a set of high-level API functions to send HTTP requests and receive responses. It wraps around the lower-level functionality of the http library, providing a simplified and more user-friendly interface for developers.


A generic class used for HTTP responses.
Represents an HTTP error.
Represents an HTTP request with various configurations. This class encapsulates the details needed to make an HTTP request including the URL, path, request method, and optional body, query parameters, and headers. It also includes a converter function that defines how to convert the response into the desired data type T.


An enumeration representing the various HTTP request methods. This enum provides a type-safe way to specify the HTTP method to be used when making a request. It supports the common HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.