StreamNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> typedef

StreamNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>

A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.

This can be considered as a StreamProvider that can mutate its value over time.

The syntax for using this provider is slightly different from the others in that the provider's function doesn't receive a "ref" (and in case of family, doesn't receive an argument either). Instead the ref (and argument) are directly accessible in the associated AsyncNotifier.

This can be considered as a StreamProvider that can mutate its value over time. When using autoDispose or family, your notifier type changes. Instead of extending StreamNotifier, you should extend either:


typedef StreamNotifierFamilyProvider<
        NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
    = FamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>;