#Migrated honnywellintermecpr3 Based On


Only for android platform, This is a new flutter plugin to print (image and text) on honnywell pr3 printer model, Image format(.png,.bmp) white and black....


Step 1

Import plugin to your pubspec file

honnywellintermecpr3: ^0.0.1

Step 2

add folder hsm-android-print to your android module root level a link (https://github.com/Phincode/honnywellintermecpr3/tree/master/example/android/hsm-android-print)

Step 3

add this to your android/settings.gradle

include ':hsm-android-print'

see example here: a link (https://github.com/Phincode/honnywellintermecpr3/tree/master/example/android/settings.gradle)

Step 4

update your AndroidManifest.xml android/app level add this to your manifest tag :


add this to your application tag :


see example here: a link (https://github.com/Phincode/honnywellintermecpr3/blob/master/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

Getting Started

##Commande to send to printer

Create String List like following

var cmd=[
  "setBold;true",--->set next printing string bold
  "setDoubleHigh;true",---->set next printing string height
  "setDoubleWide;true",---->set next printing string widht
  "write;Test news",---->print string
  "newLine;2",--->take new line
  "newLine;2",--->take new line
  "write;ok",--->print String
  "offset;80",--->set offset
  "width;400",--->set widht
  "heigh;400",--->set height
  "image;base64 image string"--->image to print

##use case

  Honnywellintermecpr3 n =new Honnywellintermecpr3();
  n.printGeneral("device name", "device bleutooth mac address",cmd);


for more information see example app on this repo

! important !

Verify that you have printing service apk install on your android phone before exécute the code

you can download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pT3PYhWltPql44V0YFpJeuZyPkY20q3Y/view?usp=sharing