hash_cached_image library
- HashCachedImage
- A widget that displays a cached image with optional blur hash placeholder and error handling.
String hash, {BoxFit? fit, Text? message, IconData? icon, Color? iconColor, double? iconSize}) → OctoErrorBuilder - A builder function for creating a blur hash error widget.
String hash, {BoxFit? fit}) → OctoPlaceholderBuilder - A builder function for creating a blur hash placeholder widget.
- ImageBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget widget)
- A typedef for a function that builds an image widget.
- LoadingErrorWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Object object, StackTrace? stackTrace)
- A typedef for a function that builds an error widget.
- PlaceholderWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context)
- A typedef for a function that builds a placeholder widget.