h3_ffi library
- AngleConverter
- Converter between radians and degrees
- CoordIJ
- Coordinates as an {i, j} pair
- GeoCoord
- A pair of latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees
- GeoCoordConverter
- Converter between GeoCoord and GeoCoordRadians
- GeoCoordRadians
- A pair of latitude and longitude coordinates in radians
- H3
- Provides access to H3 functions.
- H3AngleConverter
- Converts radians to degrees and vice versa using H3's radsToDegs and degsToRads methods
- H3Ffi
- Provides access to H3 functions through FFI.
- H3FfiFactory
- H3FfiFactory is used to build H3Ffo instance
- NativeAngleConverter
- Converts radians to degrees and vice versa using dart mathematic
- GeoCoordConverterToDegreeExtension on GeoCoordRadians
- Extension to convert GeoCoordRadians to GeoCoord
- GeoCoordConverterToRadianExtension on GeoCoord
- Extension to convert GeoCoord to GeoCoordRadians