gsheets library
Support for Google Sheets API.
- A1Ref
- Utility class for resolving a1 notation
- Cell
- Representation of a Cell.
- CellsMapper
- Mapper for Worksheet's cells.
- GSheets
- Manages googleapis auth and Spreadsheet fetching.
- NamedRanges
Helper class for getting
- Permission
- Representation of a permission.
- Spreadsheet
- Representation of a Spreadsheet, manages Worksheets.
- SpreadsheetData
- Class containing additional Spreadsheet data
- ValuesMapper
- Mapper for Worksheet's values.
- Worksheet
- Representation of a Worksheet.
- WorksheetAsCells
- Interactor for working with Worksheet cells as Cell objects.
- WorksheetAsValues
- Interactor for working with Worksheet cells as String values.
- ExportFormat
- PermRole
- Permission roles
- PermType
- Permission types
- ValueInputOption
- ValueRenderOption
Exceptions / Errors
- GSheetsException
- Exception that throws gsheets.