traceConfig function

void traceConfig({
  1. String? customTag,
  2. int tagPaddingCount = 0,
  3. String tagPaddingChar = ' ',
  4. bool showFilename = false,
  5. bool showLinenumber = false,
  6. bool showClassname = false,
  7. bool showMethodname = false,
  8. bool showOutsideTag = false,
  9. String argsSeparator = ', ',

Configure trace outputs for debug console. showLinenumber only works if showFilename is true. tagPaddingCount should be applied manually if you wanna have a cleaner tabulated view.


void traceConfig({
  String? customTag,
  int tagPaddingCount = 0,
  String tagPaddingChar = ' ',
  bool showFilename = false,
  bool showLinenumber = false,
  bool showClassname = false,
  bool showMethodname = false,
  bool showOutsideTag = false,
  String argsSeparator = ', ',
}) {
  _tagPaddingCount = tagPaddingCount;
  _tagPaddingChar = tagPaddingChar;
  _customTag = customTag ?? 'graphx™🌀';
  _showFilename = showFilename;
  _showLinenumber = showLinenumber;
  _showClassname = showClassname;
  _showMethodname = showMethodname;
  _showOutsideTag = showOutsideTag;
  _separator = argsSeparator;
  _useStack = _showFilename || _showClassname || _showMethodname;