google_maps_flutter_ground_overlays library
- AndroidGoogleMapsFlutter
- Android specific settings for GoogleMap.
T> - Mutable collection of ArgumentCallback instances, itself an ArgumentCallback.
- BitmapDescriptor
- Defines a bitmap image. For a marker, this class can be used to set the image of the marker icon. For a ground overlay, it can be used to set the image to place on the surface of the earth.
- CameraPosition
- The position of the map "camera", the view point from which the world is shown in the map view.
- CameraTargetBounds
- Bounds for the map camera target.
- CameraUpdate
- Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative the current position.
- Cap
- Cap that can be applied at the start or end vertex of a Polyline.
- Circle
- Draws a circle on the map.
- CircleId
- Uniquely identifies a Circle among GoogleMap circles.
- GoogleMap
- A widget which displays a map with data obtained from the Google Maps service.
- GoogleMapController
- Controller for a single GoogleMap instance running on the host platform.
- GroundOverlay
- Draws a ground overlay on the map.
- GroundOverlayId
- Uniquely identifies a GroundOverlay among GoogleMap ground overlays.
- InfoWindow
- Text labels for a Marker info window.
- JointType
- Joint types for Polyline.
- LatLng
- A pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees.
- LatLngBounds
- A latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.
- Marker
- Marks a geographical location on the map.
- MarkerId
- Uniquely identifies a Marker among GoogleMap markers.
- MinMaxZoomPreference
- Preferred bounds for map camera zoom level.
- PatternItem
- Item used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline.
- Polygon
- Draws a polygon through geographical locations on the map.
- PolygonId
- Uniquely identifies a Polygon among GoogleMap polygons.
- Polyline
- Draws a line through geographical locations on the map.
- PolylineId
- Uniquely identifies a Polyline among GoogleMap polylines.
- ScreenCoordinate
- Represents a point coordinate in the GoogleMap's view.
- Tile
- Contains information about a Tile that is returned by a TileProvider.
- TileOverlay
- A set of images which are displayed on top of the base map tiles.
- TileOverlayId
- Uniquely identifies a TileOverlay among GoogleMap tile overlays.
- TileProvider
- An interface for a class that provides the tile images for a TileOverlay.
- MapType
- Type of map tiles to display.
T> = void Function(T argument) - Callback function taking a single argument.
- CameraPositionCallback = void Function(CameraPosition position)
- Callback that receives updates to the camera position.
- MapCreatedCallback = void Function(GoogleMapController controller)
- Callback method for when the map is ready to be used.
Exceptions / Errors
- MapStyleException
- Exception when a map style is invalid or was unable to be set.
- UnknownMapObjectIdError
- Error thrown when an unknown map object ID is provided to a method.