multiScreenGolden function

Future<void> multiScreenGolden(
  1. WidgetTester tester,
  2. String name, {
  3. Finder? finder,
  4. bool? autoHeight,
  5. double? overrideGoldenHeight,
  6. CustomPump? customPump,
  7. DeviceSetup? deviceSetup,
  8. List<Device>? devices,
  9. @Deprecated('This method level parameter will be removed in an upcoming release. This can be configured globally. If you have concerns, please file an issue with your use case.') bool? skip,

This multiScreenGolden will run scenarios for given devices list

Will output a single golden file for each device in devices and will append device name to png file

name is a file name output, must NOT include extension like .png

autoHeight tries to find the optimal height for the output surface. If there is a vertical scrollable this ensures the whole scrollable is shown. If the targeted render box is smaller then the current height, this will shrink down the output height to match the render boxes height.

finder optional finder, defaults to WidgetsApp

overrideGoldenHeight might be required to override output file height in case if it should be bigger than device height

customPump optional pump function, see CustomPump documentation

deviceSetup allows custom setup after the window changes size. Takes two pumps to modify the device size. It could take more if the widget tree uses widgets that schedule builds for the next run loop e.g. StreamBuilder, FutureBuilder

devices list of devices to run the tests

skip by setting to true will skip the golden file assertion. This may be necessary if your development platform is not the same as your CI platform


Future<void> multiScreenGolden(
  WidgetTester tester,
  String name, {
  Finder? finder,
  bool? autoHeight,
  double? overrideGoldenHeight,
  CustomPump? customPump,
  DeviceSetup? deviceSetup,
  List<Device>? devices,
  @Deprecated('This method level parameter will be removed in an upcoming release. This can be configured globally. If you have concerns, please file an issue with your use case.')
      bool? skip,
}) async {
  assert(devices == null || devices.isNotEmpty);
  final deviceSetupPump = deviceSetup ?? _twoPumps;
  for (final device in devices ?? GoldenToolkit.configuration.defaultDevices) {
    await tester.binding.runWithDeviceOverrides(
      body: () async {
        if (overrideGoldenHeight != null) {
          await tester.binding
              .setSurfaceSize(Size(device.size.width, overrideGoldenHeight));
        await deviceSetupPump(device, tester);
        await compareWithGolden(
          customPump: customPump,
          autoHeight: autoHeight,
          finder: finder,
          skip: skip,
          device: device,
          fileNameFactory: GoldenToolkit.configuration.deviceFileNameFactory,