glass_kit library

A library of widgets to implement glass morphism in flutter apps


The CustomPainter to paint the borders of circle shaped containers
A widget that combines common painting, sizing and positioning widgets to implement Glass Morphism.
The CustomPainter to paint the borders of RRect containers


kBlur → const double
The default value of the Gaussian Blur filter
kBorderGradientFill → const LinearGradient
Default border gradient fill of the containers
kBorderRadius → const BorderRadius
The constant value of the borderRadius property
kBorderWidth → const double
The default value of the borderWidth
kElevation → const double
The default elevation value
kFrostBlendColor → const Color
Blend Color for frosted layer
kFrostBlendMode → const BlendMode
Blend mode for frosted layer
kFrostedOpacity → const double
The default value of the frostedOpacity property
kGradientFill → const LinearGradient
Default gradient fill of the containers
kIsFrosted → const bool
The default value of the isFrosted flag
kNoiseImage → const String
The path of the white-noise image used for frost effect
kShadowColor → const Color
The default shadowColor: Black with 20% opacity