listReactions method

Stream<Reaction> listReactions(
  1. RepositorySlug slug,
  2. int issueNumber, {
  3. ReactionType? content,

Gets a stream of Reactions for an issue. The optional content param let's you filter the request for only reactions of that type. WARNING: ReactionType.plusOne and ReactionType.minusOne currently do not work and will throw an exception is used. All others without + or - signs work fine to filter.

This API is currently in preview. It may break.



Stream<Reaction> listReactions(RepositorySlug slug, int issueNumber,
    {ReactionType? content}) {
  var query = content != null ? '?content=${content.content}' : '';
  return PaginationHelper(github).objects(
    (dynamic i) => Reaction.fromJson(i),
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview+json',