ObjectX extension



future → dynamic
Wrap the current object into Future.value
no setter
hashString String
Returns hashCode as String
no setter
typeName String
Returns the name of runtimeType
no setter


$localized(Map<String, Map<dynamic, String>> textMap, [List? arguments]) String
Return the text from a text map with arguments based on current locale
apply<R>(R apply()) → R
Lets apply with R as return value
applyFor<T>(int n, T task(T)) → T
Repeat the task with T as parameter for n times
applyForIndexed<T>(int n, T task(T v, int i)) → T
Repeat the task with T as parameter for n times
applyIf<T>(bool? condition, T operation(T)) → T
Apply the operation with T as parameter if condition is true
getObject<T>({T? as, List<Function>? builders}) → T?
Create and return a Mappable object for T from String or Map
getResult<T>({T? as, List<Function>? builders}) GetResult<T>?
Create and return a Mappable result for T from String or Map
let<T>(T apply(T)) → T
Lets apply with T as parameter
lets(void apply()) → void
Lets apply without any condition
mapIt<T, R>(R apply(dynamic it)) → R
apply mapping with T as dynamic parameter and R as return value
mapTo<T, R>(R apply(T it)) → R
apply mapping with T as parameter and R as return value
randomIn(int max) int
Returns random integer seeded with hashCode and less than max