GetInterfaceX extension



canPop bool
no setter
isAndroid bool
no setter
isFuchsia bool
no setter
isIOS bool
no setter
isLinux bool
no setter
isMacOS bool
no setter
isWeb bool
no setter
isWebAndroid bool
no setter
isWebIOS bool
no setter
isWindows bool
no setter
localization MaterialLocalizations
no setter
platform TargetPlatform
no setter
viewInsets EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets
no setter
viewPadding EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewPadding
no setter


$arguments<T extends Mappable>({T? as, List<Function>? builders}) → T?
$find<S>({String? tag}) → S?
Finds an Instance of the required Class <S>(or tag) Returns null if not found.
backUntil(String route) → void
maybePop<T extends Object>([T? result]) Future<bool>
resetInstance({bool clearRouteBindings = true}) bool
Clears all registered instances (and/or tags). Even the persistent ones. This should be used at the end or tearDown of unit tests.
systemPop({bool animated = true}) Future<void>