GetController class abstract

Multi purpose Controller implementation of GetxController





actionError String?
Returns the error status of an action
getter/setter pair
actionName String
actionRunner FutureCallback?
Returns the runner of the action
getter/setter pair
actionStatus GetStatus?
Returns the GetStatus of action
no setter
actionSuccess String?
Returns the success status of an action
no setter
anyError → dynamic
Returns error of any object that still have a error status.
no setterinherited
anyNotSucceeded GetResult
Returns result for any object which did not succeed.
no setter
busyStates Map<Object, bool>
no setterinherited
changeSource bool
getter/setter pairinherited
dataMap Map<Object, dynamic>
no setterinherited
disposed bool
no setterinherited
error String?
Returns the error status of the Controller
getter/setter pairinherited
errorStates Map<Object, dynamic>
no setterinherited
futuresMap Map<Object, FutureCallback>
no setterinherited
futuresToRun Map<Object, FutureCallback>
Multiple futures to run at the startup
no setterinherited
hasActionError bool
Returns the error status of action
no setter
hasAnyError bool
Returns true if any objects still have a error status.
no setterinherited
hasError bool
Returns the error status of the Controller
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
no setterinherited
initialized bool
Checks whether the controller has already been initialized.
no setterinherited
isActionBusy bool
Returns the status of action if busy or not
no setter
isActionBusyOrFailed bool
Returns the status of action if busy/failed or not
no setter
isActionBusyOrSucceeded bool
Returns the status of action if busy/succeeded or not
no setter
isActionDataReady bool
Returns the data ready status of the action if no error occurred
no setter
isActionFailed bool
Returns the status of action if failed or not
no setter
isActionReady bool
Returns the data ready status of the action even if error occurred
no setter
isActionStarted bool
Returns the status of the action if started or not
no setter
isActionSucceeded bool
Returns the status of action if succeeded or not
no setter
isAllSucceeded bool
Returns true if all objects have succeeded.
no setter
isAnyBusy bool
Returns true if any objects still have a busy status that is true.
no setterinherited
isBusy bool
Returns the busy status of the Controller
no setterinherited
isBusyOrSucceeded bool
Returns the status of Controller if busy/succeeded or not
no setter
isClosed bool
Checks whether the controller has already been closed.
no setterinherited
isDataReady bool
Returns the data ready status of the Controller if no error occurred
no setterinherited
isFailed bool
Returns the status of Controller if failed or not
no setter
isInitialised bool
Returns the initialisation status of the Controller when all futures are completed
no setterinherited
isReady bool
Returns the ready status of the Controller even if error occurred
no setterinherited
isStarted bool
Returns the status of the Controller if started or not
no setter
isSucceeded bool
Returns the status of Controller if succeeded or not
no setter
listeners int
no setterinherited
loadPrefsOnInit bool
To mark, if prefs should be reloaded beforeInit. Defaults to true.
no setter
onDelete InternalFinalCallback<void>
Internal callback that starts the cycle of this controller.
onReadyCalled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
onStart InternalFinalCallback<void>
Called at the exact moment the widget is allocated in memory. It uses an internal "callable" type, to avoid any @overrides in subclases. This method should be internal and is required to define the lifetime cycle of the subclass.
runner FutureCallback?
Returns the runner of the Controller
getter/setter pairinherited
runnerMap Map<Object, FutureCallback>
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
status GetStatus?
Returns the GetStatus of the Controller
no setter
success String?
Returns the success message of the Controller
no setter
webAPIs List<GetWebAPI>
Include all web APIs for cleanup when closed
no setter


$configureLifeCycle() → void
actionResult<T>() GetResult<T>?
Returns the data of the action
addListener(GetStateUpdate listener) → Disposer
Register a closure to be called when the object notifies its listeners.
addListenerId(Object? key, GetStateUpdate listener) → Disposer
beforeInit() Future
busyFor(Object key) bool
Returns the busy status for a key if it exists. Returns false if not present
busyOrFailed(dynamic key) bool
Returns the status by key if busy/failed or not
busyOrSucceeded(dynamic key) bool
Returns the status by key if busy/succeeded or not
cancelAction() → void
Cancels the action and clear the associated data
cancelFuture([dynamic key]) → void
Cancels the future by key and clear the associated data
clearAction() → void
Clears the action data
clearAllData() bool
Clears all data and states
clearAllStateData([Object? key]) bool
Clears all states but data by key
clearBusy() → void
Clears all the busy states
clearData([Object? key]) bool
Clears the data by key
clearErrors() → void
Clears all the errors
clearStateData([Object? key]) bool
Clears states and data by key
data<T>() → T?
Returns the data of the Controller
dataFor<T>(Object key) → T?
Returns the data by key
dataReady(Object key) bool
Returns the data ready status by key if no error occurred
dispose() → void
disposeId(Object id) → void
To dispose an id from future updates(), this ids are registered by GetBuilder() or similar, so is a way to unlink the state change with the Widget from the Controller.
errorFor(Object key) String?
Returns the error by key
failed(dynamic key) bool
Returns the status by key if failed or not
futureToRun() Future
Single future to run at the startup
hasErrorFor(Object key) bool
Returns the error status by key
hasErrorOr([bool? condition]) bool
Returns the error status of the Controller and checks if condition valid
initialise() Future
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyChildrens() → void
notifySourceChanged({bool clearOldData = false}) → void
onClose() → void
Called before onDelete method. onClose might be used to dispose resources used by the controller. Like closing events, or streams before the controller is destroyed. Or dispose objects that can potentially create some memory leaks, like TextEditingControllers, AnimationControllers. Might be useful as well to persist some data on disk.
onData(Object key) → void
Called when any future gets completed
onDataReady() → void
Called when all initialization futures are completed
onError(Object? key, dynamic error) → void
Function that is called when a future throws an error
onInit() → void
Called immediately after the widget is allocated in memory. You might use this to initialize something for the controller.
onReady() → void
Called 1 frame after onInit(). It is the perfect place to enter navigation events, like snackbar, dialogs, or a new route, or async request.
ready(Object key) bool
Returns the data ready status by key even if error occurred
refresh() → void
refreshData() Future
Run the futures again and refresh
refreshGroup(Object id) → void
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the object notifies.
removeListenerId(Object id, VoidCallback listener) → void
result<T>() GetResult<T>?
Returns the data of the Controller
resultFor<T>([Object? key]) GetResult<T>?
Returns the result data by key
runAction<T>(Callback<Future<T?>> action, {bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
runActionFuture<T>(Future<T?> future, {bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
Sets the action to busy, runs the action and then sets it to not busy when completed.
runActionFutures<T>(List<Future> futures) Future<bool>
Sets the action to busy, runs all the actions and then sets it to not busy when completed.
runActionRunner<T>(Callback<Future<T?>> runner, {bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
Sets the action to busy, runs the action and then sets it to not busy when completed.
runBusyFuture<T>(Future<T?> future, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
Sets the Controller to busy, runs the future and then sets it to not busy when complete.
runBusyFutures(List<Future> futures, {Object? key}) Future<bool>
Sets the Controller to busy, runs the futures and then sets it to not busy when complete.
runBusyRunner<T>(Callback<Future<T?>> runner, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
Sets the key to busy, runs the runner and then sets it to not busy when completed.
runErrorFuture<T>(Future<T?> future, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
runFuture<T>(Future<T?> future, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
runFutureQueue<T>(Callback<Future<T?>> callback, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
Sets the key for error logs, runs the future in queue which means next future will not run unless the previous gets completed.
runnerFor(Object key) FutureCallback?
Returns the runner by key
runRunner<T>(Callback<Future<T?>> runner, {Object? key, bool throwException = false}) Future<T?>
setActionResult(dynamic value) → void
Sets the data of the action
setBusy(bool value) → void
Sets the busy status for the Controller and calls notify listeners
setBusyFor(Object key, bool value) → void
Sets the busy status by key and calls notify listeners
setData(dynamic data) → void
Sets the data for the Controller
setDataFor(Object key, dynamic value) → void
Sets the data by key
setError(dynamic error) → void
Sets the error for the Controller
setErrorFor(Object key, dynamic value) → void
Sets the error state for the key equal to the value passed in and notifies Listeners
setResult(dynamic value) → void
Sets the data of the Controller
setRunner(FutureCallback runner) → void
Sets the runner for the Controller
setRunnerFor(Object key, FutureCallback value) → void
Sets the runner by key
setupStream<T>(Stream<T> stream, {dynamic onData, dynamic onSubscribed, dynamic onError, dynamic onCancel, dynamic transformData}) StreamData
started(dynamic key) bool
Returns the status by key if started or not
statusFor(dynamic key) GetStatus?
Returns the GetStatus by key
succeeded(dynamic key) bool
Returns the status by key if succeeded or not
successFor(Object key) String?
Returns the success message by key
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update([List<Object>? ids, bool condition = true]) → void
Rebuilds GetBuilder each time you call update(); Can take a List of ids, that will only update the matching GetBuilder( id: ), ids can be reused among GetBuilders like group tags. The update will only notify the Widgets, if condition is true.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.