GetContextTheme extension



appBarElevation double
AppBar.elevation in all descendant AppBar widgets. Defaults to 4.0.
no setter
appBarShadowColor Color
AppBar.shadowColor in all descendant widgets. Defaults to
no setter
appBarTheme AppBarTheme
A theme for customizing the color, elevation, brightness, iconTheme and textTheme of AppBars.
no setter
backgroundColor Color
A color that contrasts with the primaryColor, e.g. used as the remaining part of a progress bar.
no setter
bodyText1 TextStyle?
Used for emphasizing text that would otherwise be bodyText2.
no setter
bodyText2 TextStyle?
The default text style for Material.
no setter
bottomBarColor Color
The background color for bottom parts of the app (bottom bars, snack bars, etc)
no setter
bottomBarTheme BottomAppBarTheme
A theme for customizing the shape, elevation, and color of a BottomAppBar.
no setter
bottomNavBarTheme BottomNavigationBarThemeData
A theme for customizing the appearance and layout of BottomNavigationBar widgets.
no setter
brightness Brightness
The overall theme brightness.
no setter
button TextStyle?
Used for text on ElevatedButton, TextButton and OutlinedButton.
no setter
canvasColor Color
The default color of MaterialType.canvas Material.
no setter
caption TextStyle?
Used for auxiliary text associated with images.
no setter
colors ColorScheme
A set of thirteen colors that can be used to configure the color properties of most components.
no setter
elevatedButton ButtonStyle?
Elevated Button Theme Style
no setter
elevatedButtonForegroundColor Color?
Elevated Button Foreground Color
no setter
headline1 TextStyle?
Extremely large text.
no setter
headline2 TextStyle?
Very, very large text.
no setter
headline3 TextStyle?
Very large text.
no setter
headline4 TextStyle?
Large text.
no setter
headline5 TextStyle?
Used for large text in dialogs (e.g., the month and year in the dialog shown by showDatePicker).
no setter
headline6 TextStyle?
Used for the primary text in app bars and dialogs (e.g., AppBar.title and AlertDialog.title).
no setter
highlightColor Color
The highlight color used during ink splash animations or to indicate an item in a menu is selected.
no setter
hintColor Color
The color to use for hint text or placeholder text, e.g. in TextField fields.
no setter
iconTheme IconThemeData
An icon theme that contrasts with the card and canvas colors.
no setter
outlinedButton ButtonStyle?
Outlined Button Theme Style
no setter
outlinedButtonForegroundColor Color?
Outlined Button Foreground Color
no setter
overline TextStyle?
The smallest style.
no setter
primaryActionIconColor Color?
The default color for primary action icons.
no setter
primaryActionIconTheme IconThemeData
An action icon theme that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryBodyText1 TextStyle?
Used for emphasizing text that would otherwise be bodyText2 and contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryBodyText2 TextStyle?
The default text style for Material that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryButton TextStyle?
Used for text on ElevatedButton, TextButton and OutlinedButton that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryCaption TextStyle?
Used for auxiliary text associated with images that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryColor Color
The background color for primary parts of the app (app bars, tab bars, etc)
no setter
primaryHeadline1 TextStyle?
Extremely large text that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryHeadline2 TextStyle?
Very, very large text that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryHeadline3 TextStyle?
Very large text that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryHeadline4 TextStyle?
Large text that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryHeadline5 TextStyle?
Used for large text in dialogs (e.g., the month and year in the dialog shown by showDatePicker) that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryHeadline6 TextStyle?
Used for the primary text in app bars and dialogs (e.g., AppBar.title and AlertDialog.title) that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryIconColor Color?
The default color for primary icons.
no setter
primaryIconTheme IconThemeData
An icon theme that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryOverline TextStyle?
The smallest style that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primarySubtitle1 TextStyle?
Used for the primary text in lists (e.g., ListTile.title) that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primarySubtitle2 TextStyle?
For medium emphasis text that's a little smaller than subtitle1 and contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
primaryTextTheme TextTheme
A text theme that contrasts with the primary color.
no setter
scaffoldBackgroundColor Color
The default color of the Material that underlies the Scaffold. The background color for a typical material app or a page within the app.
no setter
secondaryColor Color
An accent color that, when used sparingly, calls attention to parts of your app.
no setter
subtitle1 TextStyle?
Used for the primary text in lists (e.g., ListTile.title).
no setter
subtitle2 TextStyle?
For medium emphasis text that's a little smaller than subtitle1.
no setter
systemOverlayStyle SystemUiOverlayStyle?
Overrides the default value of AppBar.systemOverlayStyle property in all descendant AppBar widgets.
no setter
textButton ButtonStyle?
Text Button Theme Style
no setter
textButtonForegroundColor Color?
Text Button Foreground Color
no setter
tileColor Color?
Overrides the default value of ListTile.tileColor.
no setter
tileIconColor Color?
Overrides the default value of ListTile.iconColor.
no setter
tileTheme ListTileThemeData
A theme for customizing the appearance of ListTile widgets
no setter
toolbarHeight double
AppBar.toolbarHeight in all descendant AppBar widgets. Depending on platform, Defaults to kMinInteractiveDimensionCupertino and kToolbarHeight.
no setter
viewInsets EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets
no setter
viewPadding EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewPadding
no setter


appBarCenterTitle(bool? centerTitle, {List<Widget>? actions}) bool?
Whether the title should be centered. Overrides or returns the default value for AppBar.centerTitle.