registerSingletonWithDependencies<T extends Object> abstract method

void registerSingletonWithDependencies<T extends Object>(
  1. FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {
  2. String? instanceName,
  3. Iterable<Type>? dependsOn,
  4. bool? signalsReady,
  5. DisposingFunc<T>? dispose,

registers a type as Singleton by passing a factory function of that type that will be called when all dependent Singletons are ready T type to register instanceName if you provide a value here your instance gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. dependsOn if this instance depends on other registered Singletons before it can be initialized you can either orchestrate this manually using isReady() or pass a list of the types that the instance depends on here. factoryFunc won't get executed till this types are ready. func is called if signalsReady is set to true it means that the future you can get from allReady() cannot complete until this instance was signalled ready by calling signalsReady(instance).


void registerSingletonWithDependencies<T extends Object>(
  FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {
  String? instanceName,
  Iterable<Type>? dependsOn,
  bool? signalsReady,
  DisposingFunc<T>? dispose,