debounce<T> function

Worker debounce<T>(
  1. RxInterface<T> listener,
  2. WorkerCallback<T> callback, {
  3. Duration? time,
  4. Function? onError,
  5. void onDone()?,
  6. bool? cancelOnError,

debounce is similar to interval, but sends the last value. Useful for Anti DDos, every time the user stops typing for 1 second, for instance. When listener emits the last "value", when time hits, it calls callback with the last "value" emitted.


worker = debounce(
     (value) {
       if( value > 20 ) worker.dispose();
     time: 1.seconds,


Worker debounce<T>(
  RxInterface<T> listener,
  WorkerCallback<T> callback, {
  Duration? time,
  Function? onError,
  void Function()? onDone,
  bool? cancelOnError,
}) {
  final _debouncer =
      Debouncer(delay: time ?? const Duration(milliseconds: 800));
  StreamSubscription sub = listener.listen(
    (event) {
      _debouncer(() {
    onError: onError,
    onDone: onDone,
    cancelOnError: cancelOnError,
  return Worker(sub.cancel, '[debounce]');