TypeMethods extension

Extension adding the type methods to ConstantReader.

  • ConstantReader


dartType → DartType?
Returns the static type of this.
no setter
dartTypeArgs List<DartType>
Returns a List of type arguments or an empty list.
no setter
isCollection bool
Returns true if the static type represents a List, Set, Map, or Iterable.
no setter
isDynamic bool
Returns true if this represents a constant expression with type dynamic.
no setter
isIterable bool
Returns true is this represents a constant expression with type exactly Iterable.
no setter
isNotCollection bool
Returns true if the static type does not represent List, Set, Map, or Iterable.
no setter
isRecursiveCollection bool
Returns true if the static type and the static type argument represent a List, Set, Map, or Iterable
no setter