getGeigerApi function

Future<GeigerApi?> getGeigerApi(
  1. String executorOrId, [
  2. String? id,
  3. Declaration declaration = Declaration.doShareData

Creates or gets an instance.

Will only create one GeigerApi instance per plugin id without guarantee that this is the only instance since the GeigerApi constructor cant be private.

To stay compatible with the old Java API this is two methods in one.

  • Provide an executor (executorOrId), id, and declaration to create a new instance in case none existing yet.
  • Provide only an id (executorOrId) return the corresponding instance if it exists.

Throws DeclarationMismatchException if the plugin has been registered previously and the declaration does not match and StorageException if registration failed.


Future<GeigerApi?> getGeigerApi(String executorOrId,
    [String? id, Declaration declaration = Declaration.doShareData]) async {
  if (id == null) {
    id = executorOrId;
    executorOrId = '';
  if (!instances.containsKey(id)) {
    await StorageMapper.initDatabaseExpander();
    CommunicationApi api = CommunicationApi(
        executorOrId, id, GeigerApi.masterId == id, declaration);
    instances[id] = api;
    await api.initialize();
  GeigerApi l = instances[id]!;
  if (l.declaration != declaration) {
    throw DeclarationMismatchException();
  return l;