This library aims to have some common widgets for designing a whole system for buying and selling tickets for a movie theater.
It doesn't have big pretensions, it's just a proof of concept, but if this works, maybe in the future more functionality than just cinema designs will be added.
Add g_cinema_layout
as a dependency in pubspec.yaml For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.
dependencies: g_cinema_layout: 0.0.1
Property | Description |
rowsByLetter | Map<String,int> where the letter and the number of seats per letter are indicated. |
specialSeats | Map<String,List<int>> where it's indicated which seats of which row will be special (wheelchair icon). |
blockSeats | Map<String,List<int>> where it's indicated which seats of which row will be blocked or occupied (non-reactive). |
width | int , width size of the widget container. |
onTap | Function(String, int) , it's a method that propagates from the BtnRow and gets the letter and button number, row and seat basically. |
maxZoom | double , This value is used to specify the maximum level of zoom that you can apply to the view. |
color | Color , it's the color of the button, by default it's blue. |
iconColor | Color , it's the color of the unselected or blocked icon. |
toggleIcon | IconData , it's the icon for the blocked or selected seat. |
toggleColor | Color , it's the color for the blocked or selected icon. |
Sample Code
rowsByLetter: Map.from({
'A': 10,
'B': 10,
'C': 12,
'D': 12,
'E': 14,
'F': 15,
'G': 16,
'H': 16,
specialSeats: Map.from({
'A': [3, 1],
'B': [1, 2, 5],
blockSeats: Map.from({
'A': [4],
'B': [3, 4],
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
onTap: btnOntap,
maxZoom: 3,