
This library aims to have some common widgets for designing a whole system for buying and selling tickets for a movie theater.

It doesn't have big pretensions, it's just a proof of concept, but if this works, maybe in the future more functionality than just cinema designs will be added.


Add g_cinema_layout as a dependency in pubspec.yaml For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.

dependencies:  g_cinema_layout: 0.0.1



Property Description
rowsByLetter Map<String,int> where the letter and the number of seats per letter are indicated.
specialSeats Map<String,List<int>> where it's indicated which seats of which row will be special (wheelchair icon).
blockSeats Map<String,List<int>> where it's indicated which seats of which row will be blocked or occupied (non-reactive).
width int, width size of the widget container.
onTap Function(String, int), it's a method that propagates from the BtnRow and gets the letter and button number, row and seat basically.
maxZoom double, This value is used to specify the maximum level of zoom that you can apply to the view.
color Color, it's the color of the button, by default it's blue.
iconColor Color, it's the color of the unselected or blocked icon.
toggleIcon IconData, it's the icon for the blocked or selected seat.
toggleColor Color, it's the color for the blocked or selected icon.

Sample Code

                rowsByLetter: Map.from({
                  'A': 10,
                  'B': 10,
                  'C': 12,
                  'D': 12,
                  'E': 14,
                  'F': 15,
                  'G': 16,
                  'H': 16,
                specialSeats: Map.from({
                  'A': [3, 1],
                  'B': [1, 2, 5],
                blockSeats: Map.from({
                  'A': [4],
                  'B': [3, 4],
                width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
                onTap: btnOntap,
                maxZoom: 3,