free_form_text library
Library to implement painting styled, free form text to a Canvas.
- CharacterCache
- Cache for StyledCharacter. Characters are cached, based on their codepoint and associated TextStyle.
- CubicBezier
- Compute a smooth cubic bezier curve
- FreeFormText
- The basis for a StyledCharacter string. (Not a widget)
- FreeFormTextPainter
- Paints styled characters to a Canvas. Should be invoked from a CustomPainter
- InterpolationPoint
- An interpolation value holding control points
- OffsetUtility
- Stateless utility class implementing Offset operations
- SmootherControl
- Smoother control class
- StyledCharacter
- Styled character representation.
- degrees2Radians → const double
- cache → CharacterCache
Singleton CharacterCache
Exceptions / Errors
- FreeFormTextException
- Exception thrown by API methods