
The @FpState annotation is used in dependency with the fp_state_generator package to generate template code for managing state


To use the @FpState annotation, you need to add the fp_state_generator package as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  • example

  • More detail in test

  • If you forget to add the @FpState annotation, you can run the command flutter pub run build_runner build after first failed it will insert 'part 'my_file.fpState.dart;' then run the command again to generate the file

import 'package:fp_state_annotation/fp_state_annotation.dart';
part 'my_file.fpState.dart';
/// Make sure state implement in same file
/// run `flutter pub run build_runner build` to generate the file

class UiState {}

class LState extends UiState {}

class RState extends UiState {}

class R3State extends UiState {}

class MemberState extends UiState {
  final String user;

  • support freezed package
import 'package:fp_state_annotation/fp_state_annotation.dart';
part 'my_file.fp_state.dart';
/// Make sure state implement in same file
/// run `flutter pub run build_runner build` to generate the file

sealed class FreezedState with _$FreezedState {
  const FreezedState._();
  const factory FreezedState.NoMember() = NoMember;
  const factory FreezedState.FreezedState(final String user) = FreezedState1;
  const factory FreezedState.FreezedState2(final String user, final String id) =
  const factory FreezedState.FreezedState3(
      final String user, final bool activate) = FreezedState3;

Easy to use state