forui library
A Flutter package for building beautiful user interfaces.
- $FAssetsIcons
Contains the assets and nested directories in the
directory. - Asset
- An asset in a Flutter project's assets directory.
- FAccordion
- A vertically stacked set of interactive headings that each reveal a section of content.
- FAccordionController
- A controller that controls which sections are shown and hidden.
- FAccordionItem
- An interactive heading that reveals a section of content.
- FAccordionStyle
- The FAccordion's style.
- FAlert
- An alert.
- FAlertCustomStyle
- A custom FAlert style.
- FAlertStyle
- A FAlert's style.
- FAlertStyles
- FAlertCustomStyle's style.
- FAssets
Contains the assets and nested directories in the
directory. - FAvatar
- An image element with a fallback for representing the user.
- FAvatarStyle
- FAvatar's style.
- FBadge
- A badge. Badges are typically used to draw attention to specific information, such as labels and counts.
- FBadgeContentStyle
- FBadge content's style.
- FBadgeCustomStyle
- A custom FBadge style.
- FBadgeStyle
- A FBadge's style.
- FBadgeStyles
- The FBadgeCustomStyles.
- A bottom navigation bar.
- A FBottomNavigationBar]'s data.
- A FBottomNavigationBar item.
- FBottomNavigationBarItem's style.
- FBottomNavigationBar's style.
- FButton
- A button.
- FButtonContentStyle
- FButton content's style.
- FButtonCustomStyle
- A custom FButton style.
- FButtonData
- A button's data.
- FButtonIconContentStyle
- FButton icon content's style.
- FButtonStyle
- A FButton's style.
- FButtonStyles
- FButtonCustomStyle's style.
- FCalendar
- A calendar.
T> - A controller that controls date selection in a calendar.
- FCalendarDayPickerStyle
- A day picker's style.
- FCalendarDayStyle
- A calender day's style.
- FCalendarEntryStyle
- A calendar entry's style.
- FCalendarHeaderStyle
- The calendar header's style.
- FCalendarStyle
- The calendar's style.
- FCalendarYearMonthPickerStyle
- The year/month picker's style.
- FCard
- A card.
- FCardContentStyle
- FCard content's style.
- FCardStyle
- FCard's style.
- FChangeNotifier
- A ChangeNotifier that provides additional life-cycle tracking capabilities.
- FCheckbox
- A checkbox control that allows the user to toggle between checked and not checked.
- FCheckboxErrorStyle
- A checkbox's error state style.
- FCheckboxSelectGroupStyle
- A FSelectGroupItem.checkbox's style.
- FCheckboxStateStyle
- A checkbox state's style.
- FCheckboxStyle
- A FCheckbox's style.
- FColorScheme
- A set of colors that is part of a FThemeData. It is used to configure the color properties of Forui widgets.
- FContinuousSliderController
- A controller that manages a slider's active track which represents a continuous range/value.
- FDialog
- A modal dialog.
- FDialogContentStyle
- FDialog content's style.
- FDialogStyle
- FDialog's style.
- FDiscreteSliderController
- A controller that manages a slider's active track which represents a discrete range/value.
- FDivider
- A divider.
- FDividerStyle
- FDivider's style.
- FDividerStyles
- The FDivider styles.
- FFormFieldErrorStyle
- A form field's error style.
- FFormFieldStyle
- A form field state's style.
- FHeader
- A header contains the page's title and actions.
- FHeaderAction
- A FHeader action.
- FHeaderActionStyle
- FHeaderAction's style.
- FHeaderData
- A header's data.
- FHeaderStyles
- FHeader's styles.
- FIcon
- A graphical icon widget that inherits its style from an FIconStyle, if any.
- FIconStyle
- The default properties of FIcons in a widget subtree.
- FIconStyleData
- The FIconStyle that this FIconStyleData's widget subtree should inherit.
- FLabel
- A label that describes a form field with a label, description, and error message (if any).
- FLabelLayoutStyle
- The FLabel's layout style.
- FLabelStateStyles
- The FLabel's state styles.
- FLabelStyles
- The FLabel's styles.
T> - A FSelectGroupController that allows multiple selections.
- FNestedHeaderStyle
- FHeader.nested's style.
- FPopover
- A popover displays rich content in a portal that is aligned to a target.
- FPopoverController
- A controller that controls whether a FPopover is shown or hidden.
- FPopoverStyle
- A FPopover's style.
- FPortal
- A portal renders a follower widget that "floats" on top of a target widget.
- FProgress
- A progress bar.
- FProgressStyle
- FProgress's style.
- FRadio
- A radio button that typically allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options.
- FRadioErrorStyle
- A FRadio's error style.
T> - A FSelectGroupController that allows only one selection mimicking the behaviour of radio buttons.
- FRadioSelectGroupStyle
- A's style.
- FRadioStateStyle
- A FRadio's state style.
- FRadioStyle
- A FRadio's style.
- FResizable
- A resizable allows its children to be resized along either the horizontal or vertical main axis.
- FResizableController
- A controller that manages the resizing of regions in a FResizable.
- FResizableDividerStyle
- The style of the dividers between FResizableRegions.
- FResizableDividerThumbStyle
- The style of the dividers' thumbs between FResizableRegions.
- FResizableRegion
- A resizable region that can be resized along the parent FResizable's axis. It should always be in a FResizable.
- FResizableRegionData
- A FResizableRegion's data.
- FResizableStyle
- A FResizable's style.
- FRootHeaderStyle
-'s style.
- FScaffold
- A scaffold.
- FScaffoldStyle
- FScaffold's style.
T> - A set of items that are treated as a single selection.
T> - A controller for a select group.
- FSelectGroupErrorStyle
- FSelectGroup's error style.
T> - Represents a selection in a FSelectGroup.
- FSelectGroupStateStyle
- FSelectGroup's state style.
- FSelectGroupStyle
- FSelectGroup's style.
- FSlider
- An input where the user selects a value from within a given range.
- FSliderController
- A controller that manages a slider's active track.
- FSliderErrorStyle
- A slider error's style.
- FSliderMark
- A mark in a FSlider. It is a combination of a tick - a visual indicator along the track, and a label.
- FSliderMarkStyle
- A FSlider mark's style.
- FSliderSelection
- A FSlider's active track/selection.
- FSliderStateStyle
- A slider state's style.
- FSliderStyle
- A slider's style.
- FSliderStyles
- A slider's styles.
- FSliderThumbStyle
- A slider thumb's style.
- FSliderTooltipsController
- The controller for a slider's registered tooltips.
- FStyle
- A set of miscellaneous properties that is part of a FThemeData.
- FSwitch
- A control that allows the user to toggle between checked and unchecked.
- FSwitchErrorStyle
- FSwitch's error style.
- FSwitchStateStyle
- FSwitch's state style.
- FSwitchStyle
- FSwitch's style.
- FTabController
- A controller that controls selection in a FTabs.
- FTabEntry
- An object that represents a tab entry in a group of tabs.
- FTabs
- Allows switching between widgets through tabs.
- FTabsStyle
- FTabs's style.
- FTextField
- A text field.
- FTextFieldBorderStyle
- A FTextField border's style.
- FTextFieldErrorStyle
- A FTextField error state's style.
- FTextFieldStateStyle
- A FTextField state's style.
- FTextFieldStyle
- FTextFieldStyle's style.
- FTheme
- Applies a theme to descendant widgets.
- FThemeData
- Defines the configuration of the overall visual FTheme for a widget subtree.
- FTooltip
- A tooltip displays information related to a widget when focused, hovered over and/or long pressed.
- FTooltipController
- A controller that controls whether a FPopover is shown or hidden.
- FTooltipStyle
- A FTooltip's style.
- FTypography
- Definitions for the various typographical styles that are part of a FThemeData.
T> - A ValueNotifier that provides additional life-cycle tracking capabilities.
- GenericAsset
- A default asset for file extensions not directly supported by the other Assets.
- ImageAsset
- An image.
- LottieAsset
- A Lottie animation.
- SvgAsset
- An SVG file.
- FCalendarPickerType
- The current picker type.
- FLabelState
- The label's state.
- FResizableDivider
- The appearance of dividers between FResizableRegions.
- FSliderInteraction
- Possible ways for a user to interact with a slider.
- FTabBarIndicatorSize
- Defines how the bounds of the selected tab indicator are computed.
- Layout
- Possible way to layout a sequence of items.
- FPortalFollowerShift on Never
- Provides various follower shifting strategies for when a follower overflows out of the viewport.
- FThemes on Never
- The Forui themes.
- ImageAssetExtension on ImageAsset
- Provides functions for converting an ImageAsset to a Flutter Image.
- SvgAssetExtension on SvgAsset
Provides functions for converting an SvgAsset to a
. - ThemeBuildContext on BuildContext
- Provides functions for accessing the current FThemeData.
- FLabelStyle = ({FLabelLayoutStyle layout, FLabelStateStyles state})
- The FLabel's style.
- FPortalFollower = ({Alignment anchor, Size size})
- A portal's follower.
- FPortalTarget = ({Alignment anchor, Offset offset, Size size})
- A portal's target.
T> = ({FSelectGroupController< T> controller, bool selected, FSelectGroupStyle style, T value}) - A FSelectGroupItem's state.