generate function

String generate({
  1. String delimiter = '-',
  2. bool includeToken = true,
  3. int tokenLength = 4,
  4. int tokenRadix = 10,
  5. int? seed,
  6. List<String> attributives = defaultAttributives,
  7. List<String> nouns = defaultNouns,

Generates a lowercase attributive+noun pair with an optional token appended to the end and delimited by the specified delimiter.

An example is fluttering-dart-3215 where '-' is the delimiter, 'fluttering' is the attributive, 'dart' is the noun, and 3215 is the token.

This generator uses a shared Random, but you can specify a seed to create a new Random to get a consistent result.

The token is included by default, but you can set includeToken to false to exclude it. You can also optionally set tokenLength to a positive number to configure its length and tokenRadix to control what characters it can use. The defaults are a length of 4 and a radix of 10 resulting in 0-9.

The specified tokenRadix must be an int in the range 2-36.

While this method uses a predefined list of attributives and nouns by default, you can override these with the attributives and nouns parameters respectively. You can add defaultAttributives and defaultNouns to your passed in lists if you'd like the default ones as well. There must be at least one attributive and one noun.


String generate({
  final String delimiter = '-',
  final bool includeToken = true,
  final int tokenLength = 4,
  final int tokenRadix = 10,
  final int? seed,
  final List<String> attributives = defaultAttributives,
  final List<String> nouns = defaultNouns,
}) {
  if (attributives.isEmpty || nouns.isEmpty) {
    throw ArgumentError('There must be at least 1 attributive and 1 noun.');

  final rand = seed == null ? _sharedRandom : Random(seed);

  final buffer = StringBuffer();

  if (includeToken) {
    if (tokenLength < 0) {
      throw RangeError('The token length must be a positive integer');

    for (var i = 0; i < tokenLength; i++) {

  return buffer.toString();