Fontisto class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


acrobat_reader → const IconData
adjust → const IconData
adobe → const IconData
aids → const IconData
airplay → const IconData
algolia → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
ambulance → const IconData
american_express → const IconData
ampproject → const IconData
anchor → const IconData
android → const IconData
angelist → const IconData
angle_dobule_down → const IconData
angle_dobule_left → const IconData
angle_dobule_right → const IconData
angle_dobule_up → const IconData
angle_down → const IconData
angle_left → const IconData
angle_right → const IconData
angle_up → const IconData
angularjs → const IconData
app_store → const IconData
apple → const IconData
apple_pay → const IconData
applemusic → const IconData
archive → const IconData
area_chart → const IconData
arrow_down → const IconData
arrow_down_l → const IconData
arrow_expand → const IconData
arrow_h → const IconData
arrow_left → const IconData
arrow_left_l → const IconData
arrow_move → const IconData
arrow_resize → const IconData
arrow_return_left → const IconData
arrow_return_right → const IconData
arrow_right → const IconData
arrow_right_l → const IconData
arrow_swap → const IconData
arrow_up → const IconData
arrow_up_l → const IconData
arrow_v → const IconData
asterisk → const IconData
at → const IconData
atlassian → const IconData
atom → const IconData
audio_description → const IconData
automobile → const IconData
aws → const IconData
babel → const IconData
backward → const IconData
baidu → const IconData
ban → const IconData
bandage → const IconData
bar_chart → const IconData
battery_empty → const IconData
battery_full → const IconData
battery_half → const IconData
battery_quarter → const IconData
battery_three_quarters → const IconData
beach_slipper → const IconData
bed_patient → const IconData
behance → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bell_alt → const IconData
bicycle → const IconData
bing → const IconData
bitbucket → const IconData
bitcoin → const IconData
blind → const IconData
blogger → const IconData
blood → const IconData
blood_drop → const IconData
blood_test → const IconData
bluetooth_b → const IconData
bold → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmark_alt → const IconData
bower → const IconData
braille → const IconData
bug → const IconData
bus → const IconData
bus_ticket → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
camera → const IconData
car → const IconData
caret_down → const IconData
caret_left → const IconData
caret_right → const IconData
caret_up → const IconData
center_align → const IconData
check → const IconData
checkbox_active → const IconData
checkbox_passive → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
circle_o_notch → const IconData
clock → const IconData
close → const IconData
close_a → const IconData
cloud_down → const IconData
cloud_refresh → const IconData
cloud_up → const IconData
cloudflare → const IconData
cloudy → const IconData
cloudy_gusts → const IconData
cocktail → const IconData
cocoapods → const IconData
code → const IconData
codepen → const IconData
coffeescript → const IconData
columns → const IconData
comment → const IconData
commenting → const IconData
comments → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compass_alt → const IconData
composer → const IconData
confused → const IconData
copy → const IconData
cpanel → const IconData
credit_card → const IconData
crop → const IconData
crosshairs → const IconData
css3 → const IconData
cursor → const IconData
curve → const IconData
dailymotion → const IconData
database → const IconData
date → const IconData
day_cloudy → const IconData
day_haze → const IconData
day_lightning → const IconData
day_rain → const IconData
day_snow → const IconData
day_sunny → const IconData
deaf → const IconData
delicious → const IconData
deskpro → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
deviantart → const IconData
digg → const IconData
dinners_club → const IconData
direction_sign → const IconData
discord → const IconData
discourse → const IconData
discover → const IconData
dislike → const IconData
disqus → const IconData
dizzy → const IconData
dna → const IconData
do_not_disturb → const IconData
dockers → const IconData
doctor → const IconData
dollar → const IconData
download → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
drug_pack → const IconData
earth → const IconData
edge → const IconData
eject → const IconData
electronjs → const IconData
ellipse → const IconData
email → const IconData
ember → const IconData
envato → const IconData
equalizer → const IconData
eraser → const IconData
euro → const IconData
export → const IconData
expressionless → const IconData
eye → const IconData
fa_american_sign_language_interpreting → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
favorite → const IconData
female → const IconData
fi → const IconData
file_1 → const IconData
file_2 → const IconData
film → const IconData
filter → const IconData
fire → const IconData
firefox → const IconData
first_aid_alt → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flash → const IconData
flickr → const IconData
flipboard → const IconData
flotation_ring → const IconData
fog → const IconData
folder → const IconData
font → const IconData
fontisto → const IconData
forward → const IconData
foursquare → const IconData
frowning → const IconData
gbp → const IconData
genderless → const IconData
gg → const IconData
git → const IconData
github → const IconData
gitlab → const IconData
google → const IconData
google_drive → const IconData
google_play → const IconData
google_plus → const IconData
google_wallet → const IconData
graphql → const IconData
grunt → const IconData
gulp → const IconData
hacker_news → const IconData
hangout → const IconData
hashtag → const IconData
headphone → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heart_alt → const IconData
heart_eyes → const IconData
heartbeat → const IconData
heartbeat_alt → const IconData
helicopter → const IconData
helicopter_ambulance → const IconData
hexo → const IconData
hipchat → const IconData
history → const IconData
holiday_village → const IconData
home → const IconData
horizon → const IconData
horizon_alt → const IconData
hospital → const IconData
hot_air_balloon → const IconData
hotel → const IconData
hotel_alt → const IconData
hourglass → const IconData
hourglass_end → const IconData
hourglass_half → const IconData
hourglass_start → const IconData
houzz → const IconData
html5 → const IconData
icon_500px → const IconData
icq → const IconData
ils → const IconData
imdb → const IconData
import → const IconData
indent → const IconData
info → const IconData
injection_syringe → const IconData
inr → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
internet_explorer → const IconData
intersex → const IconData
invision → const IconData
island → const IconData
italic → const IconData
iyzigo → const IconData
java → const IconData
jcb → const IconData
jekyll → const IconData
jenkins → const IconData
jira → const IconData
joomla → const IconData
jquery → const IconData
jsfiddle → const IconData
json → const IconData
justify → const IconData
key → const IconData
keyboard → const IconData
kickstarter → const IconData
krw → const IconData
laboratory → const IconData
language → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
laravel → const IconData
laughing → const IconData
left_align → const IconData
less → const IconData
lightbulb → const IconData
lightning → const IconData
lightnings → const IconData
like → const IconData
line → const IconData
line_chart → const IconData
link2 → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
linux → const IconData
list_1 → const IconData
list_2 → const IconData
livestream → const IconData
locked → const IconData
low_vision → const IconData
mad → const IconData
magento → const IconData
magnet → const IconData
male → const IconData
map → const IconData
map_marker → const IconData
map_marker_alt → const IconData
mars → const IconData
mars_double → const IconData
mars_stroke → const IconData
mars_stroke_h → const IconData
mars_stroke_v → const IconData
mastercard → const IconData
maxcdn → const IconData
medium → const IconData
meetup → const IconData
mercury → const IconData
messenger → const IconData
meteor → const IconData
metro → const IconData
mic → const IconData
microsoft → const IconData
minus_a → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobile_alt → const IconData
money_symbol → const IconData
mongodb → const IconData
more_v → const IconData
more_v_a → const IconData
motorcycle → const IconData
move_h → const IconData
move_h_a → const IconData
music_note → const IconData
mysql → const IconData
nervous → const IconData
netflix → const IconData
neuter → const IconData
neutral → const IconData
nginx → const IconData
night_alt_cloudy → const IconData
night_alt_lightning → const IconData
night_alt_rain → const IconData
night_alt_snow → const IconData
night_clear → const IconData
nodejs → const IconData
npm → const IconData
nurse → const IconData
nursing_home → const IconData
odnoklassniki → const IconData
onedrive → const IconData
onenote → const IconData
open_mouth → const IconData
opencart → const IconData
opera → const IconData
oracle → const IconData
origin → const IconData
outdent → const IconData
paper_plane → const IconData
paperclip → const IconData
paragraph → const IconData
paralysis_disability → const IconData
parasol → const IconData
passport → const IconData
passport_alt → const IconData
paste → const IconData
pause → const IconData
paw → const IconData
paypal → const IconData
paypal_p → const IconData
payu → const IconData
periscope → const IconData
person → const IconData
persons → const IconData
phone → const IconData
photograph → const IconData
php → const IconData
picture → const IconData
pie_chart_1 → const IconData
pie_chart_2 → const IconData
pills → const IconData
pinboard → const IconData
pingdom → const IconData
pinterest → const IconData
plane → const IconData
plane_ticket → const IconData
play → const IconData
play_list → const IconData
player_settings → const IconData
playstation → const IconData
plus_a → const IconData
podcast → const IconData
power → const IconData
prescription → const IconData
preview → const IconData
print → const IconData
print2 → const IconData
product_hunt → const IconData
propeller_1 → const IconData
propeller_2 → const IconData
propeller_3 → const IconData
propeller_4 → const IconData
pulse → const IconData
python → const IconData
qrcode → const IconData
question → const IconData
quora → const IconData
quote_a_left → const IconData
quote_a_right → const IconData
quote_left → const IconData
quote_right → const IconData
radio_btn_active → const IconData
radio_btn_passive → const IconData
rage → const IconData
rails → const IconData
rain → const IconData
rainbow → const IconData
rains → const IconData
random → const IconData
raspberry_pi → const IconData
react → const IconData
record → const IconData
rectangle → const IconData
recycle → const IconData
reddit → const IconData
redis → const IconData
redo → const IconData
redux → const IconData
reply → const IconData
right_align → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
room → const IconData
rouble → const IconData
rss → const IconData
ruby → const IconData
safari → const IconData
sait_boat → const IconData
sass → const IconData
saucelabs → const IconData
save → const IconData
save_1 → const IconData
scissors → const IconData
scissors2 → const IconData
scorp → const IconData
sentry → const IconData
share → const IconData
share_a → const IconData
shazam → const IconData
shield → const IconData
ship → const IconData
shopify → const IconData
shopping_bag → const IconData
shopping_bag_1 → const IconData
shopping_barcode → const IconData
shopping_basket → const IconData
shopping_basket_add → const IconData
shopping_basket_remove → const IconData
shopping_package → const IconData
shopping_pos_machine → const IconData
shopping_sale → const IconData
shopping_store → const IconData
sinaweibo → const IconData
sitemap → const IconData
skyatlas → const IconData
skype → const IconData
slack → const IconData
slides → const IconData
slightly_smile → const IconData
smiley → const IconData
smiling → const IconData
snapchat → const IconData
snorkel → const IconData
snow → const IconData
snowflake → const IconData
snowflake_1 → const IconData
snowflake_2 → const IconData
snowflake_3 → const IconData
snowflake_4 → const IconData
snowflake_5 → const IconData
snowflake_6 → const IconData
snowflake_7 → const IconData
snowflake_8 → const IconData
snows → const IconData
soundcloud → const IconData
sourcetree → const IconData
spinner → const IconData
spinner_cog → const IconData
spinner_fidget → const IconData
spinner_refresh → const IconData
spinner_rotate_forward → const IconData
spotify → const IconData
stack_overflow → const IconData
star → const IconData
star_half → const IconData
steam → const IconData
step_backwrad → const IconData
step_forward → const IconData
stethoscope → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stopwatch → const IconData
strikethrough → const IconData
stuck_out_tongue → const IconData
stumbleupon → const IconData
stylus → const IconData
sublimetext → const IconData
subscript → const IconData
subway → const IconData
suitcase → const IconData
suitcase_alt → const IconData
sun → const IconData
sunglasses → const IconData
sunglasses_alt → const IconData
superscript → const IconData
surgical_knife → const IconData
surprised → const IconData
svn → const IconData
swarm → const IconData
swift → const IconData
swimsuit → const IconData
table_1 → const IconData
table_2 → const IconData
tablet → const IconData
tablet_alt → const IconData
tablets → const IconData
taxi → const IconData
ted → const IconData
telegram → const IconData
tent → const IconData
tesla → const IconData
test_bottle → const IconData
test_tube → const IconData
test_tube_alt → const IconData
text_height → const IconData
text_width → const IconData
thermometer → const IconData
thermometer_alt → const IconData
ticket → const IconData
ticket_alt → const IconData
tinder → const IconData
tl → const IconData
toggle_off → const IconData
toggle_on → const IconData
tongue → const IconData
train → const IconData
train_ticket → const IconData
transgender → const IconData
transgender_alt → const IconData
trash → const IconData
travis → const IconData
treehouse → const IconData
trello → const IconData
tripadvisor → const IconData
troy → const IconData
truck → const IconData
tty → const IconData
tumblr → const IconData
tv → const IconData
twitch → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
twoo → const IconData
uber → const IconData
ubuntu → const IconData
udacity → const IconData
umbrella → const IconData
underline → const IconData
undo → const IconData
unity → const IconData
universal_acces → const IconData
unlocked → const IconData
unreal_engine → const IconData
upload → const IconData
usb → const IconData
user_secret → const IconData
venus → const IconData
venus_double → const IconData
venus_mars → const IconData
viber → const IconData
vimeo → const IconData
vine → const IconData
visa → const IconData
visual_studio → const IconData
vk → const IconData
volume_down → const IconData
volume_mute → const IconData
volume_off → const IconData
volume_up → const IconData
vuejs → const IconData
wallet → const IconData
webpack → const IconData
webstorm → const IconData
wetransfer → const IconData
whatsapp → const IconData
wheelchair → const IconData
wifi → const IconData
wikipedia → const IconData
wind → const IconData
windows → const IconData
wink → const IconData
wix → const IconData
wordpress → const IconData
world → const IconData
world_o → const IconData
xbox → const IconData
yacht → const IconData
yahoo → const IconData
yandex → const IconData
yandex_international → const IconData
yarn → const IconData
yelp → const IconData
yen → const IconData
youtube_play → const IconData
zipper_mouth → const IconData
zoom → const IconData
zoom_minus → const IconData
zoom_plus → const IconData