init method

  1. @override
Future<void> init({
  1. String? androidAssetName,
  2. String? iosAssetName,
  3. String? iosFcmAppId,

Initializes everything.

Required to be called once at the start of application, otherwise unexpected error may occur. For Android, put the public key in your assets folder, then fill the androidAssetName with your file's name (Example: ""). For iOS, reference the public key in your XCode project assets as data set, then fill the iosAssetName with your asset's name (Example: "FazpassPublicKey"). Finally, fill the iosFcmAppId with FCM App ID that you get from fazpass after submitting your apple push notifications key.

If your application only targets specific platform (Android only / iOS only), you can fill the unused platform's parameter with null.


Future<void> init({String? androidAssetName, String? iosAssetName, String? iosFcmAppId}) {
  return FlutterTrustedDeviceV2PlatformInterface.instance.init(
    androidAssetName: androidAssetName,
    iosAssetName: iosAssetName,
    iosFcmAppId: iosFcmAppId