flutter_star_prnt library
- PortInfo
- Contains info of the printer connection
- PrintCommands
- Class to hold print commands and functions to add commands to it
- PrinterResponseStatus
- Response class for printer status
- StarMicronicsModel
- Object representation of categories printers group by product line
- StarMicronicsUtilities
- Helper class to handle different type of printers
- StarPrnt
- Class to handle printer communication
- StarAlignmentPosition
- Constant for possible AlignmentPosition
- StarBarcodeSymbology
- Constant for possible BarcodeSymbology
- StarBarcodeWidth
- Constant for possible BarcodeWidth
- StarBitmapConverterRotation
- Constant for possible BitmapConverterRotation
- StarBlackMarkType
- Constant for possible BlackMarkType
- StarCodePageType
- Enum for CodePageType
- StarCutPaperAction
- Constant for possible CutPaperAction
- StarEmulation
- Enum for Emulation
- StarEncoding
- Enum for Encoding
- StarFontStyleType
- Constant for possible FontStyleType
- StarInternationalType
- Constant for possible International character mode possible
- StarLogoSize
- Constant for possible LogoSize
- StarPortType
- Enum for Star Port type
- StarQrCodeLevel
- Constant for possible QrCodeLevel
- StarQrCodeModel
- Constant for possible QrCodeModel
- ExtendedCodePageType on StarCodePageType
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedEmulation on StarEmulation
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedEncoding on StarEncoding
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedPortype on StarPortType
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarAlignmentPosition on StarAlignmentPosition
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarBarcodeSymbology on StarBarcodeSymbology
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarBarcodeWidth on StarBarcodeWidth
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarBitmapConverterRotation on StarBitmapConverterRotation
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarBlackMarkType on StarBlackMarkType
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarCutPaperAction on StarCutPaperAction
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarFontStyleType on StarFontStyleType
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarInternationalType on StarInternationalType
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarLogoSize on StarLogoSize
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarQrCodeLevel on StarQrCodeLevel
- Converts enum to String
- ExtendedStarQrCodeModel on StarQrCodeModel
- Converts enum to String
→ List<
StarMicronicsModel> -
Static list of StarMicronicsModel