flutter_speed_test_plus library
- Client
- FlutterInternetSpeedTest
- FlutterInternetSpeedTestPlatform
- MethodChannelFlutterInternetSpeedTest
- An implementation of FlutterInternetSpeedTestPlatform that uses method channels.
- TestResult
- CancelCallback = void Function()
- CancelListening = void Function()
- DefaultCallback = void Function()
- DefaultServerSelectionCallback = void Function(Client? client)
- DoneCallback = void Function(double transferRate, SpeedUnit unit)
- ErrorCallback = void Function(String errorMessage, String speedTestError)
- ProgressCallback = void Function(double percent, double transferRate, SpeedUnit unit)
- ResultCallback = void Function(TestResult download, TestResult upload)
- ResultCompletionCallback = void Function(TestResult data)
- TestProgressCallback = void Function(double percent, TestResult data)