ReactiveGoogleMap class

It creates a data-driven map UI component using Google Maps. It is the key component for building map based experiences. Example uses:

  • showing a map of user checkins by city and topics for powering discovery based experiences.
  • displaying restaurants filtered by a nearby distance query on a map.

Follow the installation steps mentioned at here.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:searchbase/searchbase.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter_searchbox/flutter_searchbox.dart';
import 'package:flutter_searchbox_ui/flutter_searchbox_ui.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
import 'package:dart_geohash/dart_geohash.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_cluster_manager/google_maps_cluster_manager.dart';
void main() {
class FlutterSearchBoxUIApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // Avoid creating searchbase instance in build method
  // to preserve state on hot reloading
  final searchbaseInstance = SearchBase(
      appbaseConfig: AppbaseSettings(
          recordAnalytics: true,
          // Use unique user id to personalize the recent searches
          userId: ''));
  FlutterSearchBoxUIApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  // Function to build cluster icon
  Future<BitmapDescriptor> _getMarkerBitmap(int size, {String? text}) async {
    if (kIsWeb) size = (size / 2).floor();
    final PictureRecorder pictureRecorder = PictureRecorder();
    final Canvas canvas = Canvas(pictureRecorder);
    final Paint paint1 = Paint()..color =;
    final Paint paint2 = Paint()..color = Colors.white;
    canvas.drawCircle(Offset(size / 2, size / 2), size / 2.0, paint1);
    canvas.drawCircle(Offset(size / 2, size / 2), size / 2.2, paint2);
    canvas.drawCircle(Offset(size / 2, size / 2), size / 2.8, paint1);
    if (text != null) {
      TextPainter painter = TextPainter(textDirection: TextDirection.ltr);
      painter.text = TextSpan(
        text: text,
        style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: size / 3,
            color: Colors.white,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.normal),
        Offset(size / 2 - painter.width / 2, size / 2 - painter.height / 2),
    final img = await pictureRecorder.endRecording().toImage(size, size);
    final data = await img.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png) as ByteData;
    return BitmapDescriptor.fromBytes(data.buffer.asUint8List());
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // The SearchBaseProvider should wrap your MaterialApp or WidgetsApp. This will
    // ensure all routes have access to the store.
    return SearchBaseProvider(
      // Pass the searchbase instance to the SearchBaseProvider. Any ancestor `SearchWidgetConnector`
      // widgets will find and use this value as the `SearchController`.
      searchbase: searchbaseInstance,
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: "SearchBox Demo",
        theme: ThemeData(
          visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
        home: Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            // A custom UI widget to render a list of results
            child: ReactiveGoogleMap(
              id: 'result-widget',
              // To update markers when magnitude gets changed
              react: const {
                "and": "range-selector",
              // initial map center
              initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
                target: LatLng(37.42796133580664, -122.085749655962),
                zoom: 4,
              // To enable markers' clustering
              showMarkerClusters: true,
              // Build cluster marker
              // Here we are displaying the [Marker] icon and text based on the number of items present in a cluster.
              buildClusterMarker: (Cluster<Place> cluster) async {
                return Marker(
                  markerId: MarkerId(cluster.getId()),
                  position: cluster.location,
                  icon: await _getMarkerBitmap(cluster.isMultiple ? 125 : 75,
                      text: cluster.isMultiple
                          ? cluster.count.toString()
                          : cluster.items.first.source?["magnitude"]),
              // To build marker when `showMarkerClusters` is set to `false`
              // buildMarker: (Place place) {
              //   return Marker(
              //       markerId: MarkerId(, position: place.position);
              // },
              // Database field mapped to geo points.
              dataField: 'location',
              // Size of Elasticsearch hits
              // We set the `size` as zero because we're using aggregations to build markers.
              size: 0,
              // Size of Elasticsearch aggregations
              aggregationSize: 50,
              // To fetch initial results
              triggerQueryOnInit: true,
              // To update markers when map bounds change
              searchAsMove: true,
              // Optional: Use a default query to use Elasticsearch `geohash_grid` query.
              defaultQuery: (SearchController controller) {
                return {
                  "aggregations": {
                    "location": {
                      "geohash_grid": {"field": "location", "precision": 3},
                      "aggs": {
                        "top_earthquakes": {
                          "top_hits": {
                            "_source": {
                              "includes": ["magnitude"]
                            "size": 1
              // Optional: Calculate markers from aggregation data
              calculateMarkers: (SearchController controller) {
                List<Place> places = [];
                for (var bucket
                    in controller.aggregationData?.raw?["buckets"] ?? []) {
                  try {
                    var locationDecode = GeoHash(bucket["key"]);
                    var source = bucket["top_earthquakes"]?["hits"]?["hits"]?[0]
                          id: bucket["key"],
                          position: LatLng(locationDecode.latitude(),
                          source: source),
                  } catch (e) {}
                return places;


ReactiveGoogleMap({Key? key, required String id, bool showMarkerClusters = true, bool autoCenter = false, bool searchAsMove = false, List<Place> calculateMarkers(dynamic searchController)?, Marker buildMarker(Place place)?, Future<Marker> buildClusterMarker(Cluster<Place> cluster)?, List<KeysToSubscribe>? subscribeTo, bool? triggerQueryOnInit, bool? shouldListenForChanges, bool? destroyOnDispose, List<double> levels = const [1, 4.25, 6.75, 8.25, 11.5, 14.5, 16.0, 16.5, 20.0], double extraPercent = 0.5, double? stopClusteringZoom, String? credentials, String? index, String? url, AppbaseSettings? appbaseConfig, TransformRequest? transformRequest, TransformResponse? transformResponse, Map<String, String>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? react, String? queryFormat, dynamic dataField, String? categoryField, String? categoryValue, String? nestedField, int? from, int? size, SortType? sortBy, String? aggregationField, int? aggregationSize, Map? after, bool? includeNullValues, List<String>? includeFields, List<String>? excludeFields, dynamic fuzziness, bool? searchOperators, bool? highlight, dynamic highlightField, Map? customHighlight, int? interval, List<String>? aggregations, String? missingLabel, bool? showMissing, bool? enableSynonyms, String? selectAllLabel, bool? pagination, bool? queryString, Map defaultQuery(dynamic searchController)?, Map customQuery(dynamic searchController)?, Future beforeValueChange(dynamic value)?, void onValueChange(dynamic next, {dynamic prev})?, void onResults(Results next, {Results prev})?, void onAggregationData(Aggregations next, {Aggregations prev})?, void onError(dynamic error)?, void onRequestStatusChange(String next, {String prev})?, void onQueryChange(List<Map>? next, {List<Map>? prev})?, bool? enablePopularSuggestions, int? maxPopularSuggestions, bool? showDistinctSuggestions, bool? preserveResults, bool clearOnQueryChange = false, dynamic value, List<Map>? results, String? distinctField, Map? distinctFieldConfig, Duration httpRequestTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), CompoundClauseType? compoundClause, required CameraPosition initialCameraPosition, MapType mapType = MapType.normal, bool compassEnabled = true, MapCreatedCallback? onMapCreated, bool mapToolbarEnabled = true, CameraTargetBounds cameraTargetBounds = CameraTargetBounds.unbounded, MinMaxZoomPreference minMaxZoomPreference = MinMaxZoomPreference.unbounded, bool rotateGesturesEnabled = true, bool scrollGesturesEnabled = true, bool zoomControlsEnabled = true, bool zoomGesturesEnabled = true, bool liteModeEnabled = false, bool tiltGesturesEnabled = true, EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(0), bool myLocationEnabled = false, bool myLocationButtonEnabled = true, bool indoorViewEnabled = false, bool trafficEnabled = false, bool buildingsEnabled = true, Set<Polygon> polygons = const <Polygon>{}, Set<Polyline> polylines = const <Polyline>{}, Set<Circle> circles = const <Circle>{}, VoidCallback? onCameraMoveStarted, Set<TileOverlay> tileOverlays = const <TileOverlay>{}, CameraPositionCallback? onCameraMove, VoidCallback? onCameraIdle, ArgumentCallback<LatLng>? onTap, ArgumentCallback<LatLng>? onLongPress, Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers = const <Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>>{}})


after Map?
This property can be used to implement the pagination for aggregations.
aggregationField String?
It enables you to get DISTINCT results (useful when you are dealing with sessions, events, and logs type data).
aggregations List<String>?
It helps you to utilize the built-in aggregations for QueryType.range type of widgets directly, valid values are:
aggregationSize int?
To set the number of buckets to be returned by aggregations.
appbaseConfig → AppbaseSettings?
It allows you to customize the analytics experience when is used as a backend.
autoCenter bool
whether to auto center the map based on the geometric center of all the location markers. Defaults to false.
beforeValueChange → (Future Function(dynamic value)?)
It is a callback function which accepts component's future value as a parameter and returns a Future.
buildClusterMarker → (Future<Marker> Function(Cluster<Place> cluster)?)
To draw the marker on Map when showMarkerClusters is set to true.
buildingsEnabled bool
Enables or disables showing 3D buildings where available
buildMarker → (Marker Function(Place place)?)
To draw the marker on Map when showMarkerClusters is not set to true.
calculateMarkers → (List<Place> Function(dynamic searchController)?)
The ReactiveGoogleMap component uses the ElasticSearch hits to render the markers, if you wish to override the default markers then ``calculateMarkers` prop is the way.
cameraTargetBounds → CameraTargetBounds
Geographical bounding box for the camera target.
categoryField String?
Index field mapped to the category value.
categoryValue String?
This is the selected category value. It is used for informing the search result.
circles Set<Circle>
Circles to be placed on the map.
clearOnQueryChange bool
When set to true, the controller's value would get cleared whenever the query of a watcher controller(which is set via react prop) changes.
compassEnabled bool
True if the map should show a compass when rotated.
compoundClause ↔ CompoundClauseType?
Configure whether the DSL query is generated with the compound clause of CompoundClauseType.must or CompoundClauseType.filter. If nothing is passed the default is to use CompoundClauseType.must. Setting the compound clause to filter allows search engine to cache and allows for higher throughput in cases where scoring isn’t relevant (e.g. term, geo or range type of queries that act as filters on the data)
getter/setter pair
credentials String?
Basic Auth credentials if required for authentication purposes.
customHighlight Map?
It can be used to set the custom highlight settings.
customQuery → (Map Function(dynamic searchController)?)
It takes SearchController instance as parameter and returns the query to be applied to the dependent widgets by react prop, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL.
dataField → dynamic
The index field(s) to be connected to the component’s UI view.
defaultQuery → (Map Function(dynamic searchController)?)
It is a callback function that takes the SearchController instance as parameter and returns the data query to be applied to the source component, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL, which doesn't get leaked to other components.
destroyOnDispose bool?
If set to false then after dispose the component will not get removed from seachbase context i.e can actively participate in query generation.
distinctField String?
This prop returns only the distinct value documents for the specified field. It is equivalent to the DISTINCT clause in SQL. It internally uses the collapse feature of Elasticsearch. You can read more about it over here -
distinctFieldConfig Map?
This prop allows specifying additional options to the distinctField prop. Using the allowed DSL, one can specify how to return K distinct values (default value of K=1), sort them by a specific order, or return a second level of distinct values. distinctFieldConfig object corresponds to the inner_hits key's DSL. You can read more about it over here -
enablePopularSuggestions bool?
It can be useful to curate search suggestions based on actual search queries that your users are making.
enableSynonyms bool?
This property can be used to control (enable/disable) the synonyms behavior for a particular query.
excludeFields List<String>?
extraPercent double
Extra percent of markers to be loaded (ex : 0.2 for 20%)
from int?
To define from which page to start the results, it is important to implement pagination.
fuzziness → dynamic
Useful for showing the correct results for an incorrect search parameter by taking the fuzziness into account.
gestureRecognizers Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>>
Which gestures should be consumed by the map.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, String>?
Set custom headers to be sent with each server request as key/value pairs.
highlight bool?
To define whether highlighting should be enabled in the returned results.
highlightField → dynamic
If highlighting is enabled, this property allows specifying the fields which should be returned with the matching highlights.
httpRequestTimeout Duration
This prop is used to set the timeout value for HTTP requests. Defaults to 30 seconds.
id String
A unique identifier of the component, can be referenced in other widgets' react prop to reactively update data.
includeFields List<String>?
includeNullValues bool?
If you have sparse data or documents or items not having the value in the specified field or mapping, then this prop enables you to show that data.
index String?
Refers to an index of the Elasticsearch cluster.
indoorViewEnabled bool
Enables or disables the indoor view from the map
initialCameraPosition → CameraPosition
The initial position of the map's camera.
interval int?
To set the histogram bar interval for QueryType.range type of widgets, applicable when aggregations value is set to ["histogram"].
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
levels List<double>
Zoom levels configuration
liteModeEnabled bool
True if the map view should be in lite mode. Android only.
mapToolbarEnabled bool
True if the map should show a toolbar when you interact with the map. Android only.
mapType → MapType
Type of map tiles to be rendered.
maxPopularSuggestions int?
It can be used to configure the size of popular suggestions.
minMaxZoomPreference → MinMaxZoomPreference
Preferred bounds for the camera zoom level.
missingLabel String?
It allows you to specify a custom label to show when showMissing is set to true.
myLocationButtonEnabled bool
Enables or disables the my-location button.
myLocationEnabled bool
True if a "My Location" layer should be shown on the map.
nestedField String?
Sets the nested field path that allows an array of objects to be indexed in a way that can be queried independently of each other.
onAggregationData → (void Function(Aggregations next, {Aggregations prev})?)
It can be used to listen for the aggregationData property changes.
onCameraIdle VoidCallback?
Called when camera movement has ended, there are no pending animations and the user has stopped interacting with the map.
onCameraMove → CameraPositionCallback?
Called repeatedly as the camera continues to move after an onCameraMoveStarted call.
onCameraMoveStarted VoidCallback?
Called when the camera starts moving.
onError → (void Function(dynamic error)?)
It gets triggered in case of an error occurs while fetching results.
onLongPress → ArgumentCallback<LatLng>?
Called every time a GoogleMap is long pressed.
onMapCreated → MapCreatedCallback?
Callback method for when the map is ready to be used.
onQueryChange → (void Function(List<Map>? next, {List<Map>? prev})?)
It is a callback function which accepts widget's nextQuery and prevQuery as parameters.
onRequestStatusChange → (void Function(String next, {String prev})?)
It can be used to listen for the request status changes.
onResults → (void Function(Results next, {Results prev})?)
It can be used to listen for the results changes.
onTap → ArgumentCallback<LatLng>?
Called every time a GoogleMap is tapped.
onValueChange → (void Function(dynamic next, {dynamic prev})?)
It is called every-time the widget's value changes.
padding EdgeInsets
Padding to be set on map. See for more details.
pagination bool?
This property allows you to implement the pagination for QueryType.term type of queries.
polygons Set<Polygon>
Polygons to be placed on the map.
polylines Set<Polyline>
Polylines to be placed on the map.
preserveResults bool?
It set to true then it preserves the previously loaded results data that can be used to persist pagination or implement infinite loading.
queryFormat String?
Sets the query format, can be or or and.
queryString bool?
If set to true than it allows you to create a complex search that includes wildcard characters, searches across multiple fields, and more.
react Map<String, dynamic>?
It is useful for components whose data view should reactively update when on or more dependent components change their states.
results List<Map>?
A list of map to pre-populate results with static data.
rotateGesturesEnabled bool
True if the map view should respond to rotate gestures.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scrollGesturesEnabled bool
True if the map view should respond to scroll gestures.
searchAsMove bool
If set to true then it would update the results as the map bounds change. Defaults to false.
searchOperators bool?
If set to true, then you can use special characters in the search query to enable the advanced search.
selectAllLabel String?
This property allows you to add a new property in the list with a particular value in such a way that when selected i.e value is similar/contains to that label(selectAllLabel) then QueryType.term query will make sure that the field exists in the results.
shouldListenForChanges bool?
It can be used to prevent state updates.
showDistinctSuggestions bool?
To display one suggestion per document.
showMarkerClusters bool
Whether to aggregate and form a cluster of nearby markers. Defaults to false.
showMissing bool?
When set to true then it also retrieves the aggregations for missing fields.
size int?
Number of suggestions and results to fetch per request.
sortBy → SortType?
Sorts the results by either SortType.asc, SortType.desc or SortType.count order.
stopClusteringZoom double?
Zoom level to stop cluster rendering
subscribeTo List<KeysToSubscribe>?
This property allows to define a list of properties of SearchController class which can trigger the re-build when any changes happen.
tileOverlays Set<TileOverlay>
Tile overlays to be placed on the map.
tiltGesturesEnabled bool
True if the map view should respond to tilt gestures.
trafficEnabled bool
Enables or disables the traffic layer of the map
transformRequest → TransformRequest?
Enables transformation of network request before execution.
transformResponse → TransformResponse?
Enables transformation of search network response before rendering them.
triggerQueryOnInit bool?
It can be used to prevent the default query execution at the time of initial build.
url String?
URL for the Elasticsearch cluster.
value → dynamic
Represents the value for a particular QueryType.
zoomControlsEnabled bool
True if the map view should show zoom controls. This includes two buttons to zoom in and zoom out. The default value is to show zoom controls.
zoomGesturesEnabled bool
True if the map view should respond to zoom gestures.


createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() → _ReactiveGoogleMapState
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.